This project is blockchain based e-voting dapp created in React,Solidity,Ganache and Truffle.
“Blockchain Based e-Voting System” is a web based online voting system primarily based on ethereum blockchain technology. Blockchain is a transparent, distributed, immutable and trustless ledger and to overcome the problems of the traditional voting system, blockchain plays a vital role in terms of security, trust and more. Here anyone eligible for voting can vote for their favorite candidate and they can see the result after the end of the election. It is fast, secure, and has low cost as compared to traditional voting systems. Some key features of our system are vote immutability and transparancy, security and user-friendly flow. This project serves as a basic implementation of a voting system to understand the fundamentals of ethereum blockchain technology and how decentralized applications are built using Solidity and React. In this system, the account that deploys the smart contract acts as the Admin, who has the authority to add candidates. Voters are added using the signup page. They can cast the votes by loggin in through the login page. The Admin starts the election and eligible voters can cast their votes. Once the election is closed by the Admin, the final results are immediately visible to the voters.
- bcrypt
- cors
- dotenv
- express
- joi
- joi-password-complexity
- jsonwebtoken
- ldapjs
- mongoose
- nodemailer
- nodemon
- @mui/icons-material
- @mui/material
- @reduxjs/toolkit
- axios
- ldapjs
- react
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- web-vitals
- web3
git clone ""
Open the Ganache GUI client to start the local blockchain instance.
truffle migrate --reset
Each time Ganache is restarted, it's necessary to migrate the election smart contract.
cd .\server
node createAdmin.js
Copy the output of the above program without curly braces. Then goto the mongodb cloud and click on the insert button and paste it there to create a instance of the admin.
cd .\client
npm install
npm start
cd .\server
npm install
npm start
- Unlock Metamask
- Connect metamask to the local Etherum blockchain provided by Ganache.
- Import accounts for admin and voters (according to the requirement) provided by Ganache.
- Now Admin can login with the help of user name and password.
- The default login email of admin is ""
- The default password is "ASDF@123"
- Admin can start the election and add candidates.
- Voters can also register themselves and vote to their favourite candidate.(change the metamask address accordingly)
- Admin can end the election
- Voters can see the final results
Visit URL in your browser: http://localhost:3000