This is a TypeScript template for advent of code 2024.
The template was built with
$ git clone
$ cd aoc-2024-typescript-template
# install dependencies
$ pnpm install
# run tests for day01
$ pnpm test day01
# run the day01
$ pnpm start day01
You can generate all necessary files for AoC solution with a simple command:
$ pnpm gen day01
The command creates the following files
* creating src/day01/resources/input.txt
* creating src/day01/main.ts
* creating src/day01/part2.ts
* creating src/day01/part1.ts
* creating src/day01/__tests__/day01.test.ts
For download the inputs from web, you need to set the AOC_SESSION environment variable in .env
You can get the session value from AoC website cookie. (Developer Tools
> Application
> Cookies
The env file should look like below.