Cross-platform tool for writing posts in telegram channels with markdown and HTML supporting.
Download - Changelog - Features - How to use - Roadmap - Used libraries - How to build
- Post preview (HTML, markdown, plain text)
- Sending posts in multiple channels
- Drafts of posts
- Change sent posts
- Sending post options
- Formatting controls (link, bold, italic)
- Multilanguage support
- Material design 😊
If you have bot token in telegram, you can start from step 4
- Goto
in telegram - Create new bot with
command @BotFather
give you bottoken
)- Setting up bot, that will send posts in channel
- Add channels where the posts will be sent
- Write your post and send
- Attachments
- Link preview
- Sync scroll
- Two-column writing design
- Autosave
- Hotkeys and other user settings
- Electron - framework for create cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS
- React - JavaScript library for building user interface
- react-dom
- react-addons-shallow-compare
- Material-UI - A Set of React Components that Implement Google's Material Design
- react-tap-event-plugin - Instant TapEvents for React
- XSS - HTML sanitizer
- electron-contextmenu-middleware -
context menu - electron-input-menu - Context menu for
input elements - react-layout-pane - React layout component using flexbox
- superagent - small progressive client-side HTTP request library
- velocity-animate - accelerated JavaScript animation
- react-deep-force-update - force-updates React component tree recursively
- semver-compare - compare two semver version strings
npm install gulp -g
npm install
# Debug
gulp build-debug
# Release
gulp build-release
# OS X
gulp package:mac
# Linux
gulp package:linux
# Windows
gulp package:windows
Builds destionation folder - 'builds'