pip install kavahq-api
import kavahq
import keyring
import getpass
SERVICE = 'kavahq-api'
username = 'imposeren'
password = keyring.get_password(SERVICE, username)
if password is None:
password = getpass.getpass()
keyring.set_password(SERVICE, username, password)
api = kavahq.KavaApi(username=username, password=password, company_name='42 Coffee Cups')
# almost all attributes of Api return instances of ApiObject which do not query results until they are required:
projects_api = api.projects # no requests made
first_project_api = projects_api.children[0] # project list api called but project details are not
first_project_estimate_api = first_project_api.estimate # zero apis called
first_project_api.estimate['avg_time_per_cp'] # estimates api called and result is returned
# you can also get all results of api as a dict:
# you can also get specific project api by it's slug:
kava_project_api = api.projects.get('kavyarnya')
# {u'days_num_bugs_showing': X, ...}
# {u'username': u'akhavr', u'is_active': True, ...}
# {u'avg_time_per_cp': u'2.1'...}
# u'akhavr'
# as you can see api calls can be "chained":
api.projects.estimate # ApiObject for /api/project/estimate
api.projects.properties # ApiObject for /api/project/properties
# but some attributes of ApiObject "break chaining":
api.projects.children[0].estimate.response # returns dict with response from API
api.projects.get # method to get projects by slug, (see examples above)
api.projects.keys() # will return keys of response dict
# alternate way to call specific api:
dict(api.projects.estimate.get(project='kavyarnya', company='42 Coffee Cups'))
# this is equivivalent to:
api.company_name = '42 Coffee Cups')
python setup.py nosetests