A proof-of-concept DASH-Ripple gateway with no KYC, created according to the Dash budget proposal.
The project uses Docker and Docker Compose. You must have them installed to run a gateway (highly recommended to use the latest versions).
- Create volumes for data of dashd and rippled:
docker volume create --name=dashd-data
docker volume create --name=rippled-data
- Build a Docker image of the project and start it:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
- Apply database migrations and load initial data of pages to the DB:
docker exec dashripplegw_web_1 bash -c "./manage.py migrate && ./manage.py loaddata initial_pages.json"
- Create an admin for your gateway:
docker exec -it dashripplegw_web_1 bash -c "./manage.py createsuperuser"
- A web-page of the gateway will run here. You should be able to log in the admin panel with credentials created earlier.
- Adjust settings of your gateway and content of base pages, set credentials of your Ripple wallet.
- Wait until Ripple ledger and Dash blockchain are loaded.
It is possible to use Dash and Ripple test nets. Follow "comment" and "uncomment" instructions in 'docker-compose.yml' before running the above commands. You can generate test-net Ripple credentials here.
Run tests:
docker run --rm dashripplegw_web make test
The project is released under the MIT license.