- Front-end
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
- Install Android Studio and set it up with Flutter.
- Git clone this repository
- Open Android Studio and in the menu "Open an existing Android Studio project" and select the folder of the project.
- Ready to go!
- Back-end
The algorithms of this projects are going to be programmed in Python 3 using the IDE PyCharm.
- Install PyCharm.
- Create the virtual environment: File->Settings->Project->Project interpreter->Click next to projec interpreter->show all-> + -> "create your environment" -> Ok -> Apply -> Ok
ModuleNotFoundError: File->Settings->Project->Project interpreter-> Interpreter paths -> "Add path with the error" -> Ok -> Apply
Can not run Git: Download git
- Classes structure: First letter in uppercase. One single word (noun).
class Person:
age: [type, description]: int, indicates how old is the person.
gender: str, (M or F) indicates if its male or famale.
def __init__(self, age, gender):
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
- Functions structure
First letter in uppercase of each word except the first one. First word has to be a verb indication what returns the function.
def getNumberPopulation(place, data):
Function that gets the place and all the raw data and returns the population of that place.
place: string, indicates the name of the place.
data: array matrix (mxn), the columns are [sthng, sthng, sthng].
num_population: float, indicates the number of that population.
- Variables:
All the words in lowercase and separate by a lowbar
som_new_variable = sthng