- v2ray-script package for setting up personal bridge-upstream servers
- Following the problems of setting up servers with Docker and the problems surrounding its installation, we decided to create an easy install script for setting up multi-stage servers to remove the oppressive embargo and... for Debian, Ubuntu operating systems without the need for Docker and filtering problems. And ban, start your Linux servers with 3 command lines
- The bridge-upstream configuration requires at least one Iranian server and one foreign server, and then your internet will be used at half price, and you will be connected in case of a disruption in the international internet!
To deploy this project run , First install upstream And get upstream server info
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4xmen/v2ray-script/main/vless-upstream-installer.sh
chmod +x vless-upstream-installer.sh
Then install bridge server :
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4xmen/v2ray-script/main/vmess-vless-bridge-installer.sh
chmod +x vmess-vless-bridge-installer.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4xmen/v2ray-script/main/vmess-upstream-installer.sh
chmod +x vmess-upstream-installer.sh
Then install bridge server :
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4xmen/v2ray-script/main/vmess-bridge-installer.sh
chmod +x vmess-bridge-installer.sh
- Better Config
- Support Other Linux Distros
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