this is an implement of DenseNet using keras ,this project can do Remote sensing image classifiy or retrieval.I trained and evaluated this model on a dataset called PatternNet.
The project was tested in the following environment
- python 3.5.2
- Keras 2.1.6
- h5py
- tensorflow-gpu 1.9.0
- pillow(PIL) 5.0.0
- numpy 1.14.0
- sklearn
I build this project in Windows 10 so there maybe some path problems when rebuild it in linux/MacOSX.
You may also need a GPU to speed up the train process,so installtion of the CUDA/CUDNN kit maybe necessary.
Using my PatternNet dataset or your own dataset,all you need to do is
- Create a new folder,such as
- for each catagory,Create a new folder in 'myDataset'
catagory1 catagory2 catagory3 ...
- put the image into these folders
After this,you need to run utils.write_csv()
.This function need 3 parameters image_folder, csv_train_path, csv_test_path
.This function automatically divides the data into training and test set,and the test set is 30 percent of the total dataset.
import utils
image_folder = r'PatternNet'
csv_train_path = r'PatternNet_train.csv'
csv_test_path = r'PatternNet_test.csv'
write_csv(image_folder, csv_train_path, csv_test_path)
To use pretrained weights,you should set the weights='imagenet'
when reference DenseNet.DenseNet()
When training your own dataset from scratch,simply set the weights=None
To train a model use
from train_and_val import train
lr = 1e-6
epochs = 70
batch_size = 16
classes = 38
image_size = 224
model_path = 'pattern.h5'
log_filepath = 'pattern_log'
csv_train_path = r'PatternNet_train.csv'
csv_test_path = r'PatternNet_test.csv'
The parameter above can be changed to adjust model performance.
here is the weights file -pattern.h5
After training,you can call tensorboard
to see the results in detail.use cd
command to navigate to the project folder,then
>tensorboard --logdir log_filepath
To do classification job,simply use the weights file that you trained in the last step,and call train_and_val.validate()
.Here are the demo:
from train_and_val import validate
image_size = 224
model_path = 'pattern.h5'
classes = 38
csv_val_path = r'PatternNet_test.csv'
csv_result_path = r'PatternNet_result.csv'
The result is saved csv_result_path
This function contains two parts: index
and retrieval
This is an implement of feature extraction.The DenseNet's avg pool layer is used to extract features .img_path,label,features
are saved into index_file.
from train_and_val import index
image_size = 224
model_path = 'pattern.h5'
classes = 38
csv_imageLib_path = r'PatternNet_test.csv'
index_file = r'PatternNet_index.h5'
here is the index-file PatternNet_index.h5
This function use Euclidean distance to find out the image which is similar as target image.Note that target_path
need to be a csv file which formatted as image_path,category
,only one image should be in this file
from train_and_val import retrieval
image_size = 224
model_path = 'pattern.h5'
classes = 38
target_path = r'target.csv'
retrieval_result_file = r'retrieval_result.txt'
This is my second project in Github,hope you can star or fork this project~
Any issue,you can contact me on QQ 2043494361
or just email me at
Hope you enjoy this~