MobiFlow Auditor is an O-RAN compliant xApp aiming to support fine-grained and security-aware statistics monitoring over the RAN data plane, which is not solved by the default O-RAN standard and service models. We abstract such telemetry streams as MobiFlow, a novel security audit trail for holding mobile devices accountable during the link and session setup protocols as they interact with the base station, and interval statistics generated for tracking large-scale patterns of abuse against the base station.
MobiFlow Auditor can drive various analyses. For example, it can drive expert system analysis with MobiExpert. MobiExpert xApp allows network operators to program stateful production-based IDS rules for detecting a wide range of cellular L3 attacks. It features the Production-Based Expert System Toolset (P-BEST) language. MobiFlow Auditor can also drive AI / ML-based analytics, such as MobiWatch that uses unsupervised deep learning to detect layer-3 anomalies from 5G network traffic.
To learn more about the format and structure of MobiFlow, please refer to our papers:
- A Fine-Grained Telemetry Stream for Security Services in 5G Open Radio Access Networks (EmergingWireless'22)
- 5G-Spector: An O-RAN Compliant Layer-3 Cellular Attack Detection Service (NDSS'24)
MobiFlow Auditor's current implementation is dedicated for the OSC RIC. It is developed based on the OSC RIC's python SDK. Our running example below shows how to setup a 5G network based on the OpenAirInterface5G project.
We also have an old version at branch main
implemented for the ONOS RIC on SD-RAN. It was used as part of the 5G-Spector artifact but not recommended any more since the ONOS RIC xApp python SDK is no longer being maintained.
The current MobiFlow message definition is defined in It mainly collects (1) the fine-grained layer-3 (RRC and NAS) state transition information of UEs at the message level; (2) the aggregated flow-based statistics from the base stations. The MobiFlow telemetry report process is based on the E2SM-KPM (v2.0) service model (SM).
MobiFlow Auditor xApp requires O-RAN compliant RAN nodes to collect and report corresponding data. We have augmented the OpenAirInterface project with MobiFlow telemetry support at branch v2.1.0.secsm.osc
MobiFlow-Auditor is built from source as a local Docker container. Refer to the official tutorial ( to install and set up the Docker environment.
Create a local docker registry to host docker images:
sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
Before deploying the xApp, make sure the OSC nRT-RIC is deployed by following this tutorial.
Simply run our build script:
After a successful build, the xApp will be compiled as a standalone Docker container.
$ docker images
localhost:5000/mobiflow-auditor 0.0.1 c6312eb0d32e 2 minutes ago 237M
First, onboard the xApp. You need to set up the proper environment with the dms_cli
tool. Follow the instructions here to install the tool.
Then execute the following to onboard the xApp:
cd init
sudo -E dms_cli onboard --config_file_path=config-file.json --shcema_file_path=schema.json
Then, simply run the script to deploy the xApp under the ricxapp
K8S namespace in the nRT-RIC.
cd ..
Make sure the xApp is up and running:
$ kubectl get pods -n ricxapp
mobiflow-auditor-68d598d7fb-vhlqw 1/1 Running 0 4m10s
If you wish to undeploy the MobiFlow-Auditor xApp from Kubernetes, run:
The below running example shows how to use the MobiFlow Auditor xApp to capture security telemetry from a live 5G network and stores the telemetry into the SDL database.
Deploy the OSC nRT-RIC and make sure it is running properly following this tutorial
Next, deploy the OAI gNB that connects to the nRT-RIC through the E2 interface. You can refer to our tutorial to deploy the OAI gNB which is extended with the E2 agent we have implemented. Ensure the gNB is up and connected to the RIC. Make sure the gNB's E2 interface IP points to the nRT-RIC's E2T pod.
Run the MobiFlow Auditor xApp (assuming the image has been built):
The xApp will recognize the gNB and starts a subscription with it through the E2SM KPM service model.
Finally, run the OAI nrUE (or a commercial UE) to attach to the gNB and generate 5G traffic. We have provided instructions on how to run the OAI UE at this link.
By running the MobiFlow Auditor on the RIC along with an OAI gNB and nrUE, MobiFlow Auditor will generate and store MobiFlow telemetry. You can check the run-time logs with:
Example log entries from the xApp:
{"ts": 1729716349154, "crit": "INFO", "id": "ricxappframe.xapp_frame", "mdc": {}, "msg": "[MobiFlow] Storing MobiFlow record to SDL UE;0;1729716349154.052;v2.0;SECSM;0;60786;1450744508;0;0;0;0;0;RRCSetupRequest;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0"}
{"ts": 1729716349155, "crit": "INFO", "id": "ricxappframe.xapp_frame", "mdc": {}, "msg": "[MobiFlow] Storing MobiFlow record to SDL UE;1;1729716349154.0964;v2.0;SECSM;0;60786;1450744508;0;0;0;0;0;RRCSetup;2;0;0;0;1729716349154.0103;0;0;0"}
{"ts": 1729716349155, "crit": "INFO", "id": "ricxappframe.xapp_frame", "mdc": {}, "msg": "[MobiFlow] Storing MobiFlow record to SDL BS;2;1729716349154.1838;v2.0;SECSM;0;208;099;0;00bc614e;1000;1;0;0;1729716338046.782;0"}
{"ts": 1729716349156, "crit": "INFO", "id": "ricxappframe.xapp_frame", "mdc": {}, "msg": "[MobiFlow] Storing MobiFlow record to SDL UE;2;1729716349154.2026;v2.0;SECSM;0;60786;1450744508;0;0;0;0;0;RRCSetupComplete;2;0;0;0;1729716349154.0103;0;0;0"}
{"ts": 1729716349156, "crit": "INFO", "id": "ricxappframe.xapp_frame", "mdc": {}, "msg": "[MobiFlow] Storing MobiFlow record to SDL UE;3;1729716349154.2297;v2.0;SECSM;0;60786;1450744508;0;0;0;0;0;Registrationrequest;2;1;0;0;1729716349154.0103;0;1729716349154.0103;0"}
{"ts": 1729716349156, "crit": "INFO", "id": "ricxappframe.xapp_frame", "mdc": {}, "msg": "[MobiFlow] Storing MobiFlow record to SDL BS;3;1729716349154.2725;v2.0;SECSM;0;208;099;0;00bc614e;1000;1;0;0;1729716338046.782;0"}
The MobiFlow telemetry will be stored in the SDL databased provided by the OSC RIC infrastructure. The Shared Data Layer (SDL) provides a lightweight, high-speed interface (API) for accessing shared data storage. SDL can be used for storing and sharing any data. Data can be shared at VNF level. One typical use case for SDL is sharing the state data of stateful application processes. Thus enabling stateful application processes to become stateless, conforming with, e.g., the requirements of the fifth generation mobile networks. Refer to:
By default, the OSC near-RT RIC will deploy the redis database as a service backend.
$ sudo kubectl get pods -n ricplt
statefulset-ricplt-dbaas-server-0 1/1 Running 0 100m
You may login to the SDL through:
kubectl exec -it statefulset-ricplt-dbaas-server-0 -n ricplt sh
Use the sdlcli
command in the pod to lookup the stored MobiFlow data:
/data # sdlcli get namespaces
/data #
/data # sdlcli get ue_mobiflow 1
Other xApps deployed at the nRT-RIC can also use RESTFul APIs to access these data in the SDL. Refer to our other xApp examples such as MobieXpert and MobiWatch to checkout the implementation.
Please cite our research papers if you develop any products and prototypes based on our code:
title={A fine-grained telemetry stream for security services in 5g open radio access networks},
author={Wen, Haohuang and Porras, Phillip and Yegneswaran, Vinod and Lin, Zhiqiang},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Emerging Topics in Wireless},
title = {5G-Spector: An O-RAN Compliant Layer-3 Cellular Attack Detection Service},
author = {Wen, Haohuang and Porras, Phillip and Yegneswaran, Vinod and Gehani, Ashish and Lin, Zhiqiang},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'24)},
address = {San Diego, CA},
month = {February},
year = 2024