Welcome to the Shinken project.
Shinken is a modern, Nagios compatible monitoring framework, written in Python. Its main goal is to give users a flexible architecture for their monitoring system that is designed to scale to large environments.
Shinken is backwards-compatible with the Nagios configuration standard and plugins. It works on any operating system and architecture that supports Python, which includes Windows and GNU/Linux.
See the Documentation
There are mandatory and conditional requirements for the installation methods which are described below.
See the Documentation
python setup.py update
It will only update the shinken lib and scripts, but won't touch your current configuration
Shinken is installed with init.d scripts, enables them at boot time and starts them right after the install process ends. Based on your linux distro you only need to do:
chkconfig --add shinken chkconfig shinken on
or :
update-rc.d shinken defaults 20
The configuration is on the directory, /etc/shinken.
Logs are in /var/log/shinken (what did you expect?)
You only need to launch:
/etc/init.d/shinken -d start
Debug logs will be based on the log directory (/var/log/shinken)
No, there is no need to change the existing configuration - unless you want to add some new hosts and services. Once you are comfortable with Shinken you can start to use its unique and powerful features.
Jump to the Shinken documentation.
Bugs are tracked in the issue list on GitHub . Always search for existing issues before filing a new one (use the search field at the top of the page). When filing a new bug, please remember to include:
- A helpful title - use descriptive keywords in the title and body so others can find your bug (avoiding duplicates).
- Steps to reproduce the problem, with actual vs. expected results
- Shinken version (or if you're pulling directly from the Git repo, your current commit SHA - use git rev-parse HEAD)
- OS version
- If the problem happens with specific code, link to test files (gist.github.com is a great place to upload code).
- Screenshots are very helpful if you're seeing an error message or a UI display problem. (Just drag an image into the issue description field to include it).
In avirtualenv
virtualenv env source env/bin/activate python setup.py install_lib python -c 'from shinken.bin import VERSION; print(VERSION)'
Or directly on your system:
sudo python setup.py install_lib python -c 'from shinken.bin import VERSION; print(VERSION)'
To setup Shinken dev environment:
virtualenv env source env/bin/activate python setup.py develop python setup.py install_data
If you want to use init scripts in your virtualenv you have to REsource activate
source env/bin/activate
env/etc: Configuration folder
env/var/lib/shinken/modules: Modules folder
env/var/log/shinken: Logs folder
env/var/run/shinken: Pid files folder
shinken-arbiter -c env/etc/shinken/shinken.cfg
shinken-broker -c env/etc/shinken/daemons/brokerd.ini
shinken-scheduler -c env/etc/shinken/daemons/schedulerd.ini
shinken-poller -c env/etc/shinken/daemons/pollerd.ini
shinken-reactionner -c env/etc/shinken/daemons/reactionnerd.ini
shinken-receiver -c env/etc/shinken/daemons/receiverd.ini
env/etc/init.d/shinken-arbiter start
env/etc/init.d/shinken-broker start
env/etc/init.d/shinken-scheduler start
env/etc/init.d/shinken-poller start
env/etc/init.d/shinken-reactionner start
env/etc/init.d/shinken-receiver start