Originally posted to the first 72 hour game development competition from July 22, 2003 to July 28, 2003.
An entry in the 72 Hour Game Development Competition over at Pixelation (http://pixelation.swoo.net).
Theme: Mindless Violence
The buttons are as follows:
Left - move player left
Right - move player right
Up - Jump
Space - Fire
ESC - Quit
F1 - Restart
This game was created entirerly by me, John Sterling - "parklife", with c++/c in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, using Allegro for sound, graphics and keyboard routines. The art was made by me & Ironshanks.
I you want to get a reach of me, send a mail to p4rklife@hotmail.com, or an ICQ message to UIN 3774564.
Big thanks goes to:
Diced, for his good advice on the crappy art. Those stars are purty!
IronShanks, for his awesome enemy sprites.
Nairb, for starting this competition.
DB, for his excellent playtesting.