The project on the subject "Operating Systems" includes the following programs:
Filter packets based on Netfilter interface + testing programs + third-party programs (IP/MAC address changers) (Linux);
Testing the file system for directory creation, file creation, read, write (Linux);
Malloc/Free testing includes separate function testing, sequential testing (malloc->free->malloc) and function testing on a real process (Linux);
PAM-module is the simplest implementation of user authentication before performing any actions (Linux);
Virtual machines includes 2 programs: virtual machine detection (Win64/Linux) and virtual machine exit (the implementation is written in Assembler) (Linux);
- ARCH: sh ./
- Debian: bash[sh] ./
- Ubuntu: ./
*** To check some result of tests in ./logs/ ***
P.S. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions - write, because it's important!