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Medium SDK - Swift

A library to allow access to Medium API for any Swift iOS application.

Swift Version License Platform


  • authorization & token handling
  • Login state saved in user defaults
  • Supported scopes: basicProfile, listPublications, publishPost
  • Implemented all the related requests from the Medium API docs
  • Support Safari View Controller


  • iOS 9.0+ - osx 10.10


  pod 'MediumSDKSwift'

and run pod install in the directory to load dependencies.



In the project right click on your Info.plist file, choose "Open As" - "Source code" and add these lines :





right before the tag.

Handle the callback in App Delegate:

func application(app: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, options: [String : AnyObject]) -> Bool {
        if ( == "mediumswift-callback") {
        return true

Note that the redirect is done via a free Heroku app and it's highly recommended to setup your own redirect service by cloning and running this repo (courtesy of the original repo). Change all the mediumswift strings in the repo to the name of your app and make related changes in Info.plist and App Delegate files. The deployment with Heroku is easy - just link your GitHub repo and the app is built automatically.

You are all set!


MediumSDKManager class is designed as a singleton, you can access all it's methods by calling a shared instance:

let mediumSession = MediumSDKManager.sharedInstance

List of methods of the MediumSDKManager class:

  • Authorize, completion handler returns state: success/failure and user's medium token or error string:
doOAuthMedium(completionHandler: (String, String) -> Void)
  • Check login credentials, completion handler returns state: success/failure and medium token or error string:
checkCred(completionHandler: (String, String) -> Void)
  • Get current user ID, completion handler returns state: success/failure and user ID or error string:
getUserID(completionHandler: (String, String) -> Void)
  • Get current Medium token, completion handler returns state: success/failure and medium token or error string:
getToken(completionHandler: (String, String) -> Void)
  • Sign out, completion handler returns state: success/failure, and message or error string:
signOutMedium(completionHandler: (String, String) -> Void)
  • Get current user's credentials, completion handler returns state: success/failure, and user ID as or error string:
ownCredentialsRequest(completionHandler: (String, String) -> Void)
  • Get list of current user's publications, completion handler returns state: success/failure, number of users publications or error string and publications JSON if present:
userPublicationsListRequest(completionHandler: (String, String, JSON) -> Void)
  • Get list of a publication's contributors, completion handler returns state: success/failure, number of users publications or error string and publications JSON if present:
getListOfContributors(publicationId: String, completionHandler: (String, String, JSON) -> Void)
  • Create new post, completion handler returns state: success/failure, and message or error string:
createPost(title: String, contentFormat: String, content: String, canonicalUrl: String?=nil, tags: [String]?=nil,  publishStatus: MediumPublishStatus?=nil, license: MediumLicense?=nil, completionHandler: (String, String) -> Void)
  • Create a post under existing publication, completion handler returns state: success/failure, and message or error string:
createPostUnderPublication(rootPublication: String, title: String, contentFormat: String, content: String, canonicalUrl: String?=nil, tags: [String]?=nil, publishStatus: MediumPublishStatus?=nil, license: MediumLicense?=nil, completionHandler: (String, String) -> Void)

Note that publish status and licence fields are coded as enums with all the possible states of these parameters, when creating a publication just use the proper values.

Release History

  • 0.1.1
    • Remove OSX
  • 0.1.0
    • Update syntax for Swift 3.0
    • Drop support <= iOS 9.0
    • Update dependencies
  • 0.0.4
    • add User-defnie variables
    • current version
  • 0.0.3
    • bug fixies
  • 0.0.2
    • update dependencies
  • 0.0.1
    • The first release


We would love for you to contribute to Medium SDK - Swift, check the LICENSE file for more info.


Original author:


Contributions by

Created as a part of development internship, distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.