2019 Summer Course in ZJU: Contents: Notes & Assignments & my independent project
Key Job: 实验3:实现聚类和分类
实验4:NLP in Fintech
实验7:利⽤常用的分类模型(包括感知机,SVM,朴素⻉叶斯,决策树,logistic回归, random forest等等),在训练集上进⾏训练。
实验8:大作业 个人project
Learned k-means, k-medoids and Spectral clustering, realize them in specific datasets.
- Application of clustering in finance;
- Criteria to measure the quality of clustering (maximize the distance between classes and minimize the distance within classes);
- Expression of data distance;
- Segmentation based clustering (k-means, k-medoids);
- Spectral clustering (Spectral clustering).
- Application of classification in finance;
- Confusion matrix;
- Linear regression;
- Machine learning classifier (SVM);
- Deep learning classifier (neural networks).
Natural Language Processing
Financial text data were processed with natural language and the results were evaluated and analyzed.
Intelligent investment consulting technology:
big data fusion, investment user portrait, quantification, investment portfolio, risk control, intelligent customer service
Financial theory of intelligent investment consultants:
markowitz portfolio theory and market equilibrium theory
Application of quadratic programming in portfolio algorithm
Application of reinforcement learning in portfolio algorithm
Implement a portfolio algorithm