This application is a burger logger. Generally it works like having a menu that you can add your own burgers to. Once you do, they show up in the database as a burger on the menu that can be eaten, or technically, "devoured." Once you do eat it by clicking on the "conquer" button that shows up next to the uneaten burger, it switches over to the right side of the screen on a "devoured" list. You can also choose to delete the burgers on the "devoured" list on the right side.
- Node
- Express
- Handlebars
- homemade ORM
The application is currently running on heroku. Link:
In the future, I might turn this into a fully fledged Restaurant application with a menu that maybe only certain people can access to add or change the menu and have the menu hosted online.
#Project status This application was made for the demonstration purposes of using a homemade ORM, MYSQL, Node and Express.