a simple tic-tac-toe game, written in assembly
This program is not the most efficient out there but "does its job". One way to make it more efficient is replacing with a single for-loop the part where iterates over rows and columns to verify whether if there is a 3-in-a-row or not.
I wrote this program because I had to do something practical for an exam at university, but I don't have much fantasy and I didn't have a lot of time, so this one was the best compromise to me. If I were you, I won't copy-paste this program but instead I would at least try to optimize a little more! But I'm not even responsible of what you want to do with this code, so... it's really up to you. I decided to open source it because why not, I mean, it's still a good exercise trying to understand the meaning of what I wrote, it's also pretty much commented, so it could be a good starting point for beginners. :)
However, I passed the class. :)