Repository contains context and links to the project-specific repositories for the DARPA AIE-ACTM program.
JHU/APL PACMANs project repository is currently private, please contact Jennifer Sleeman on the Slack channel if you'd like access.
UMD/TAMU github page for hybrid climate models:
UExeter/Waterloo github page for TP EWS:
AiBEDO framework from PARC/University of Victoria: github repository and documentation page.
Caltech/Climate Modeling Alliance repositories are open access and available on GitHub. ACTM-related documentation: Most relevant repositories: EnsembleKalmanProcesses.jl -- a generic optimizer code with adequate documentation CalibrateEDMF.jl -- our experimental wrapper for easy optimization of EDMF models of turbulence and convection.
HAIKU project from BAE Systems and AIMdyn, inc documentation page. Software repository.
Global AI Accelerator (Gaia) from STR/UNSW
MIT Hybrid Methods project
Colorado State University - AI Methods for Solar Radiation Management Research github repository of subprojects