This repository is dedicated to the Pilot 2 of the AD4GD project.
- Preprocessing sub-repository is devoted to the preprocesing of the input raster land-use/land-cover (LULC) data (including Deliverables 6.1, section 6.7). Protected areas from World Database on Protected areas are integrated into preprocessing workflow to consider their importance for connecting habitats.
- Graphab sub-repository contains second version of dockerised Graphab Java application in order to be deployed on the HPC cluster to ensure consistency of environment and to allow the workflow to be run reliably either on a user’s machine or as an open service module (Deliverables 6.1, section 6.7).
- GBIF sub-repository is focused on the analysis of existing GBIF data (quering, access, provenance and quality of records), corresponding with the Deliverables 6.1 (section 4.6.3, GBIF ingestion). The actual integration of GBIF data with other sources for target species is analysed here.