The purpose of this modeling exercise was to provide Alaska-specific estimates of the length-weight relationship in lake trout, as well as the possible relationship between lake area and asymptotic weight, as a means to further refine the modeling framework described in Lester et al. (yyyy) for estimation of Maximum Sustained Yield of lake trout in Alaska.
Data were provided from [source??] and compiled by Region III biologists as relevant. Data represent a total of:
- 82 lakes
- 137 sampling events from 1960-2022
- 34,362 fish sampled
- 34,107 length measurements
- 3,894 weight measurements
- 3,887 paired length x weight measurements from
- 24 lakes
- 57 sampling events from 1960-2022
gives lake-level data (area, latitude, etc) -
gives fish-level data (length, weight, etc)
reads data and does some basic cleaning for the purpose of length-weight relationship -
fits an exhaustive set of length-weight models (log-log regression), with all possible combinations of slope and intercept parameters:- common for all lakes
- separate for all lakes but hierarchically distributed
- trending with log-area
- trending with latitude
Lester, et al. citation