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Additional material for our paper Dimensions of Software Configuration

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Dimensions of Software Configuration

Additional material for our paper Dimensions of Software Configuration. You can find the pre-print of the paper here.

ESEC/FSE 2020 talk on our work

Slides with notes

Please cite our paper when using the data set:
Norbert Siegmund, Nicolai Ruckel, and Janet Siegmund. Dimensions of Software Configuration. In Proceedings of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), ACM Press, 2020.

Table of Contents

  1. Interviews
  2. Dimensions of Software Configuration
  3. Related Work


We interviewed 11 software developers from 9 different companies and domains in semi-structured interviews about the above mentioned aspects regarding configuration tasks and issues in their daily work. You can find the final version of the translated questionnaire here.


ID Experience Role Domains Transcript
I1 10 years Consultant, Senior Developer DevOps, Fullstack Transcript (translation)
I2 14 years Developer Backend, Microservice Transcript (translation)
I3 22 years Developer, Software Architect DevOps, Microservice Transcript (translation)
I4 15 years Developer, Test Engineer Backend Transcript (translation)
I5 11 years Senior Developer Backend, Microservice Transcript (translation)
I6 7 years Software Architect Backend, Microservice Transcript (translation)
I7 6 years Team Lead Fullstack Transcript (translation)
I8 19 years Cloud Foundation Architect Backend Transcript (translation)
I9 5 years Developer Backend Transcript (translation)
I10 7 years Consultant, Tester, Developer Fullstack Transcript (translation)
I11 20 years Senior Software Engineer Frontend Transcript (translation)


Company Domain Employees
4Soft IT Consulting 40
Accenture IT Consulting >459,000
codecentric AG IT Consulting >480
Red Hat Open-source Software 12,600
Regiocom Business Process Outsourcing 5,500
REWE Digital E-commerce 330,000
Salesforce Cloud-based Software 35,000
Xceptance Software Testing 42
E-commerce <100

Dimensions of Software Configuration

Dimensions of Software Configuration

Related Work

We placed 18 related papers of the domains of software product lines, testing, performance optimization, configuration errors, and configuration engineering into the context of our model.

Software Product Lines

What is a Feature? A Qualitative Study of Features in Industrial Software Product Lines

What is a Feature

Thorsten Berger, Daniela Lettner, Julia Rubin, Paul Grünbacher, Adeline Silva, Martin Becker, Marsha Chechik, and Krzysztof Czarnecki. 2015. What is a Feature?: A Qualitative Study of Features in Industrial Software Product Lines. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Product Lines (SPLC). ACM, 16–25.

An Analysis of the Variability in Forty Preprocessor-Based Software Product Lines

Dimensions of An Analysis of the Variability in Forty Preprocessor-BasedSoftware Product Lines

Jörg Liebig, Sven Apel, Christian Lengauer, Christian Kästner, and Michael Schulze. 2010. An Analysis of the Variability in Forty Preprocessor-Based Soft- ware Product Lines. In Proc. Int. Conf. Software Engineering (ICSE). ACM, 105–114.

Granularity in Software Product Lines

Dimensions of Granularity in Software Product Lines

Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, and Martin Kuhlemann. 2008. Granularity in Software Product Lines. In Proc. Int. Conf. Software Engineering (ICSE). ACM, New York, 311–320.

Variability-Aware Static Analysis at Scale: An Empirical Study

Dimensions of Variability-Aware Static Analysis at Scale: An Empirical Study

Alexander von Rhein, Jörg Liebig, Andreas Janker, Christian Kästner, and Sven Apel. 2018. Variability-Aware Static Analysis at Scale: An Empirical Study. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 27, 4 (2018), 1–33.

A Survey of Variability Modeling in Industrial Practice

Dimensions of A Survey of Variability Modeling in Industrial Practice

Thorsten Berger, Ralf Rublack, Divya Nair, Joanne M. Atlee, Martin Becker, Krzysztof Czarnecki, and Andrzej Wąsowski. 2013. A Survey of Variability Modeling in Industrial Practice. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS ’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 8 pages.

Multi-purpose, multi-level feature modeling of large-scale industrial software systems

Dimensions of Multi-purpose, multi-level feature modeling of large-scale industrial software systems

Daniela Rabiser, Herbert Prähofer, Paul Grünbacher, Michael Petruzelka, Klaus Eder, Florian Angerer, Mario Kromoser, and Andreas Grimmer. 2018. Multi-purpose, multi-level feature modeling of large-scale industrial software systems. Software & Systems Modeling 17, 3 (01 Jul 2018), 913–938.


A Survey of Combinatorial Testing

Dimensions of A Survey of Combinatorial Testing

Changhai Nie and Hareton Leung. 2011. A Survey of Combinatorial Testing. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 43, 2, Article 11 (Feb. 2011), 29 pages.

Configurations Everywhere: Implications for Testing and Debugging in Practice

Dimensions of Configurations Everywhere: Implications for Testing and Debugging in Practice

Dongpu Jin, Xiao Qu, Myra B. Cohen, and Brian Robinson. 2014. Configurations Everywhere: Implications for Testing and Debugging in Practice. In Companion Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE Companion 2014). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 215–224.

Usage, Costs, and Benefits of Continuous Integration in Open-source Projects

Dimensions of Usage, Costs, and Benefits of Continuous Integration in Open-source Projects

Michael Hilton, Timothy Tunnell, Kai Huang, Darko Marinov, and Danny Dig. 2016. Usage, Costs, and Benefits of Continuous Integration in Open-source Projects. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). ACM, 426–437.

Performance Optimization

Faster discovery of faster system configurations with spectral learning

Dimensions of Faster discovery of faster system configurations with spectral learning

Vivek Nair, Tim Menzies, Norbert Siegmund, and Sven Apel. 2017. Faster discovery of faster system configurations with spectral learning. Autom Softw Eng (Aug. 2017), 1–31.

Finding Near-optimal Configurations in Product Lines by Random Sampling

Dimensions of Finding Near-optimal Configurations in Product Lines by Random Sampling

Jeho Oh, Don Batory, Margaret Myers, and Norbert Siegmund. 2017. Finding Near-optimal Configurations in Product Lines by Random Sampling. In Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2017). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 61–71.

Configuration Errors

On Cross-stack Configuration Errors

Dimensions of On Cross-stack Configuration Errors

Mohammed Sayagh, Noureddine Kerzazi, and Bram Adams. 2017. On Cross-stack Configuration Errors. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). IEEE Press, 255–265.

An Empirical Study on Configuration Errors in Commercial and Open Source Systems

Dimensions of An Empirical Study on Configuration Errors in Commercial and Open Source Systems

Zuoning Yin, Xiao Ma, Jing Zheng, Yuanyuan Zhou, Lakshmi N. Bairavasundaram, and Shankar Pasupathy. 2011. An Empirical Study on Configuration Errors in Commercial and Open Source Systems. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP). ACM, 159–172.

Systems Approaches to Tackling Configuration Errors: A Survey

Dimensions of Systems Approaches to Tackling Configuration Errors: A Survey

Tianyin Xu and Yuanyuan Zhou. 2015. Systems Approaches to Tackling Configuration Errors: A Survey. ACM Comput. Surv. 47, 4, Article 70 (2015), 41 pages.

Configuration Engineering

Software Configuration Engineering in Practice

Dimensions of Software Configuration Engineering in Practice

M. Sayagh, N. Kerzazi, B. Adams, and F. Petrillo. 2018. Software Configuration Engineering in Practice: Interviews, Survey, and Systematic Literature Review. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (2018).

Mining Container Image Repositories for Software Configuration and Beyond

Dimensions of Mining Container Image Repositories for Software Configuration and Beyond

Tianyin Xu and Darko Marinov. 2018. Mining Container Image Repositories for Software Configuration and Beyond. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER). ACM, 49–52.

DevOps: A Definition and Perceived Adoption Impediments

Dimensions of DevOps: A Definition and Perceived Adoption Impediments

Jens Smeds, Kristian Nybom, and Ivan Porres. 2015. DevOps: A Definition and Perceived Adoption Impediments. In Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, Casper Lassenius, Torgeir Dingsøyr, and Maria Paasivaara (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 166–177.

DevOps Capabilities, Practices, and Challenges: Insights from a Case Study

Dimensions of DevOps Capabilities, Practices, and Challenges: Insights from a Case Study

Mali Senapathi, Jim Buchan, and Hady Osman. 2018. DevOps Capabilities, Prac- tices, and Challenges: Insights from a Case Study. In Proceedings of the Interna- tional Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE). ACM, 57–67.


Additional material for our paper Dimensions of Software Configuration






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