This is a Twitterbot built with NodeJs that replies to mentions with a GIF.
It uses the Twitter Streaming API and the Giphy API.
(You will only need the Procfile if you want to deploy your bot to run by itself, e.g. using Heroku.)
To run the bot, you need to install node js and a few modules:
(1) First make sure you have node installed. In your terminal, run:
$ node -v
(2) You will also need the node package manager (npm). Check:
$ npm -v
(3) Once node and npm are installed, you can use npm to install the required modules! Go into the directory of the Twitterbot and run:
$ npm install twit --save
$ npm install keyword-extractor --save
$ npm install gif-search --save
$ npm install download-file --save
(4) You will also need a Twitter developer account to use the Twitter API. Once you have this, you will be able to create a new app (the bot!) and get: consumer key, consumer secret, access token & access token secret.
Then just open the config.js file and edit these variables.
(5) Lastly, open the bot.js file and edit the username variable. This will be your bot's name (without the '@'), but there are further instructions inside the script.
Great! You should now be able to run the bot. From your command line, simply type:
$ node path-to-bot/bot.js
This code can be found on: