This is the old, and quite lame, home page from the original FEMP server (c2014). At that point we were experimenting with various web mapping services, including Geocortex, flexviewer, silverlight, and ArcGIS Server, among others. The home page was largely a list of links to several demonstration apps, the underlying services, and documentation on how to create similar apps. Eventually all these technologies went by the wayside, or at least were trumped by ArcGIS Online and Portal. Almost all the links on the home page are broken and long since dead. This home page has been hidden by a redirection to an esri gallery app on the NPS Portal which showcases a number of web maps.
I would like to replace this home page with a clean modern web page with descriptions (and links) to the various apps offered on the web site, as well as to galleries on both AGOL and Portal. Stay tuned.