The goal of this repository is to show an example of code implementation and usage of the Weights & Biases, Pytorch Lightning, Hydra and their interaction. This implementation is inspired by the Reproducible Deep Learning PhD course from the at Sapienza University (Rome).
The main design principle driving this project are:
- Modularity: each part of the training/evaluation/logging procedure is implemented as an independent block with pre-defined interactions.
- Extensibility: the framework can be easily extended to include new experiments/models/logging procedures, architectures and datasets
- Clarity/Readability: each model contains only the data-agnostic and architecture agnostic-logic.
Main features:
- Get all the perks of a Pytorch Lightning Trainer
- Use the Weights & Bias sweep tool to easily define hyper-parameters search and launch multiple agents across different devices.
- Easily handle complex configuration thanks to the powerful Hydra configuration management.
- No need to write any training/configuration script.
As a general concept, the framework is designed to that each piece can be maximally re-used: the same model can be used with different architectures and dataset, the same architectures and evaluation procedures can be used with different models, and the same optimization procedure can be used for different models without the need to re-write any code.
Create a new dl-kit
environment using conda:
conda env create -f environment.yml
and activate it:
conda activate dl-kit
Assign a name to the device that will be running the experiments and make sure there is a corresponding device in
contains a configuration file with the same name:
You can add the previous export to the .bashrc
file to avoid running it every time a new session is created.
The corresponding config/device/<DEVICE_NAME>.yaml
configuration file contains device-specific information
regarding hardware and paths.
Here we report an example for a device configuration:
# Example of the content of config/device/ivi-cluster.yaml to run experiment on a SLURM cluster
gpus: 1 # Specify the number of GPUs to use for the lightning trainer
data_root: /ssdstore/datasets # Root dataset directory
experiments_root: /hddstore # Root experiment directory
download_files: False # Flag to disable dataset download (from code)
num_workers: 16 # Number of workers used for data-loading
pin_memory: True # See pin_memory flag for the pytorch DataLoader
With this setup, the same code can be used on different machines since all the hardware-dependent configuration
is grouped into the device .yaml
configuration file. Further details can be found in the device section
For Weights & Bias logging run:
wandb init
and login with your credentials. This step is optional since TensorBoard logging is also implemented.
The CLI for training models is based on Hydra. See this simple example and basic grammar for parameter override for further information about Hydra.
To run an experiment use:
python +experiment=<EXPERIMENT_NAME> <OTHER_OPTIONS>
As an example, the following command can be used to run a Variational Autoencoder on the MNIST dataset for 20 epochs
with the value of the hyper-parameter beta
set to 0.1
python +experiment=VAE_MNIST +trainer.max_epochs=20 params.beta=0.1
See the Experiment Definition for further information regarding the experimental setup
The default logging uses Weights & Biases, but it is possible to switch to TensorBoard with
python +experiment=<EXPERIMENT_NAME> logging=tensorboard
Alternative loggers can be defined in the config/logging
configuration .yaml
script is defined to be compatible with wandb hyper-parameters sweeps.
Each sweep definition can directly access the properties and hyper-parameters defined in the configuration files. The following file reports an example sweep for the MNIST Variational Autoencoder experiment:
- ${env}
- ${interpreter}
- ${program}
- +experiment=MNIST_VAE # The experiment to launch
- +trainer.max_epochs=10 # Training for 10 epochs
- ${args_no_hyphens} # parameters from the sweep (params.beta in this case)
method: bayes # bayesian optimization
goal: maximize
name: ELBO/Validation # Metric logged and defined in config/experient/MNIST_VAE.yaml
params.beta: # The hyper-parameter beta
distribution: log_uniform # will be sampled uniformly in the log space
min: -20 # from e^-20
max: 2 # to e^2
The sweep can be created by running:
wandb sweep sweeps/VAE_MNIST.yaml
which will return the corresponding `<SWEEP_ID>. Agents can then be started with:
The results of the corresponding sweep can be visualized in the
Weights & Biases board
The repository contains a few examples of SLURM sbatch scripts that can be used to run experiments or sweeps on a SLURM cluster (such as Das5 or the ivi-cluster).
The run_sweep_2h file report the example used to run a sweep for a VAE model on MNIST once the corresponding wandb sweep has been created.
It is possible to start an agent on the das5 cluster using the provided scripts with:
sbatch --export=DEVICE_NAME=das5,SWEEP=<SWEEP_ID> scripts/run_sweep_2h.sbatch
in which the --export
flag is used to pass variables to the script, and <SWEEP_ID> refer to the string
produced when running the wandb sweep
command (see previous section).
The configuration for each run is composed by the following main components:
data: the data used for training the models. See section for further information.
model : the model to train. Each model must implement the logic regarding the loss computation (e.g.
, ...) and functionalities (e.g.sample
,...) in architecture and data-agnostic fashion. Each model is an instance of a Pytorch Module. -
optimization: the procedure used for optimizing the model. Definition on how the model is updated by the optimizer (e.g. standanrd step update, adversarial training, joint training of two models, optimizer type, batch-creation procedure). Each optimization procedure is an instance of a Lighning Module.
params: collection of the model, architecture, optimization and data hyper-parameters (e.g. number of layers, learning rate, batch size, regularization strength, ...). This design allows for easy definition of sweeps and hyper-parameter tuning.
trainer: Extra parameters passed to the Lightning Trainer
callbacks: the callbacks called during training. Different callbacks can be used for logging, evaluation, model checkpointing or early stopping. See the corresponding documentation for further details. Note that callbacks are fully optional.
device: Definition of the hardware-specific parameters (such as paths, CPU cores, number of GPUs)
logger: Definition of the logging procedure. Both TensorBoard and Weights & Bias are supported.
run: Properties of the run such as name and the corresponding project
While data
, model
, architectures
, optimization procedure
, parameters
, callbacks
and run
are experiment-specific,
, logging
and trainer
define global properties of the device on which the experiments are running,
the logging and training parameters respectively.
Each experiment .yaml
configuration file contains a definition of data, model, architectures, optimization procedure,
hyper-parameters and callbacks.
Here we report an example for the
Variational Autoencoder Model trained on the MNIST dataset.
First we refer to MNIST
dataset and batch_ADAM
optimization procedure defined in
the data, and optimization configuration files respectively:
# @package _global_
- /data: MNIST
- /optimization: batch_ADAM
The # @package _global_
line is used to indicate that the following keys are global, while defaults
the values for data
and optimization
procedures respectively.
In other words, the dictionary defined in the files data/MNIST.yaml
and optimization/batch_ADAM.yaml
are added
to the data
and optimization
keys respectively.
Further information regarding configuration packages and overrides can be found here.
The VAE model requires the definition of an encoder
, decoder
and prior
_target_: code.models.unsupervised.VariationalAutoencoder # class defining the VAE model
beta: ${params.beta} # read the regularization strength beta from params.beta
prior: # Prior distribution
_target_: code.architectures.base.DiagonalNormal # class defining a Normal distribution with diagonal covariance
z_dim: ${params.z_dim} # read the latent size from params.z_dim
encoder: # Encoder architecture
_target_: code.architectures.MNIST.Encoder
layers: ${params.encoder_layers} # read the layers from params.encoder_layers
z_dim: ${params.z_dim} # read the latent size from params.z_dim
decoder: # Decoder architecture
_target_: code.architectures.MNIST.Decoder
layers: ${params.decoder_layers} # read the layers from params.encoder_layers
z_dim: ${params.z_dim} # read the latent size from params.z_dim
The _target_
key contains references to Python classes, while the other values are passed to the
constructor on initialization (e.g. Encoder(layers, z_dim)
is called when instantiating the encoder architecture).
Note that instead of writing the value of the hyper-parameters (such as the number of latents z_dim
or regularization
strength beta
) directly in the architecture definition, we refer to the params
section (e.g. ${params.z_dim}
) so that all the hyper-parameters of model, architectures and optimization procedure are grouped together:
params: # List of hyper-parameters
z_dim: 64 # Number of latent dimensions
beta: 0.5 # KL regularization strength
encoder_layers: [ 1024, 128 ] # List of hidden layers for the encoder
decoder_layers: [ 128, 1024 ] # and decoder architectures
lr: 1e-3 # Learning rate
batch_size: 128 # Batch size
Lastly, a list of callbacks defines all the evaluation metrics that are logged during training:
# Logging the validation image reconstructions
- _target_: code.callbacks.EvaluationCallback # Utility callback for evaluation that logs every 'evaluate_every'
name: Images/Reconstruction # Name reported in the log
evaluate_every: 60 seconds # Evaluation time (in seconds, minutes, hours, iterations or epochs)
_target_: code.evaluation.image.ImageReconstructionEvaluation # Class defining the evaluation
evaluate_on: valid
n_pictures: 10
sample_images: False
sample_latents: False
# Logging the samples of the generative model
- _target_: code.callbacks.EvaluationCallback
name: Images/Samples
evaluate_every: 60 seconds
_target_: code.evaluation.image.ImageSampleEvaluation
evaluate_on: valid
n_pictures: 10
# Logging the value or the Evidence Lower BOund (ELBO) computed on the validation set
- _target_: code.callbacks.EvaluationCallback
name: ELBO/Validation
evaluate_every: 30 seconds
_target_: code.evaluation.elbo.ELBOEvaluation
evaluate_on: valid
n_samples: 2048
# Logging the value or the Evidence Lower BOund (ELBO) computed on the train set
- _target_: code.callbacks.EvaluationCallback
name: ELBO/Train
evaluate_every: 30 seconds
_target_: code.evaluation.elbo.ELBOEvaluation
evaluate_on: train
n_samples: 2048
To summarize, the log will consist of the following entries:
- ImageReconstruction/Validation: reconstruction of images from the validation set, logged every 60 seconds
- Samples: images sampled from the prior.
- ELBO/Validation: Evidence LOwer Bound computed on the validation set
- ELBO/Train: Evidence LOwer Bound computed on the train set
Further details regarding the
utility class and the evaluation procedures can be found in the corresponding section
We specify a name for the project in which the run will be saved (with will correspond to WANDB_PROJECT
in case of
Weights & Bias logging):
project: VAE_experiments
Lastly, we can define a run seed:
seed: 42
Further details regarding the aforementioned configuration components can be found in the following sections
Adding new models, datasets and architectures to the frameworks requires implementing the code and creating the corresponding configuration files. Here we report the conventions used to define the different components:
The datasets definition are collected in the data
configuration folder. Each data object consist
of a dictionary specifying the parameters for the different splits. By default, we consider train
, valid
, and test
for training, validation and testing purpose respectively. Different keys can be added to the data
dictionary if necessary:
# Content of /config/data/MNIST.yaml. the corresponding keys are added under `data`
train: # Definition of the training set
_target_: # Class
root: ${device.data_root} # Initialization parameters
split: train
download: ${device.download_files}
_target_: # Definition of the validation split
root: ${device.data_root}
split: valid
download: ${device.download_files}
_target_: # Test split
root: ${device.data_root}
split: test
download: ${device.download_files}
Note that all the device-dependent parameters (such as the data directory and the flag to enable downloading)
refer to the ${device}
variable. This allows to easily deploy the same model to different devices. Further details can
be found in the device section.
TorchVision, TorchAudio or other existing datasets class definitions can be referenced directly by specifying
the appropriate _target_
(e.g. _target_: torchvision.datasets.MNIST
for the default torchvision MNIST dataset).
The instantiated data
dictionary is passed to the constructor of the optimization procedure,
in which the data-loaders are defined.
The model configuration defines the parameters and architectures used by the specific model (see example reported
the previous section). The model code is designed to be completely data-agnostic
so that the same logic can be used across different experiments without any re-writing or patch.
Here we report the example code for the VariationalAutoencoder
class VariationalAutoencoder(GenerativeModel, RepresentationLearningModel):
def __init__(
encoder: ConditionalDistribution,
decoder: ConditionalDistribution,
prior: MarginalDistribution,
beta: float
Variational Autoencoder Model
:param encoder: the encoder architecture
:param decoder: the decoder architecture
:param prior: architecture representing the prior
:param beta: trade-off between regularization and reconstruction coefficient
super(VariationalAutoencoder, self).__init__()
# The data-dependent architectures are passed as parameters
self.encoder = encoder
self.decoder = decoder
self.prior = prior
# Store the value of the hyper-parameter beta
self.beta = beta
# Definition of the procedure to compute reconstruction and regularization loss
def compute_loss_components(self, data):
x = data['x']
# Encode a batch of data
q_z_given_x = self.encoder(x)
# Sample the representation using the re-parametrization trick
z = q_z_given_x.rsample()
# Compute the reconstruction distribution
p_x_given_z = self.decoder(z)
# The reconstruction loss is the expected negative log-likelihood of the input
# - E[log p(X=x|Z=z)]
rec_loss = - torch.mean(p_x_given_z.log_prob(x))
# The regularization loss is the KL-divergence between posterior and prior
# KL(q(Z|X=x)||p(Z)) = E[log q(Z=z|X=x) - log p(Z=z)]
reg_loss = torch.mean(q_z_given_x.log_prob(z) - self.prior().log_prob(z))
return {'reconstruction': rec_loss, 'regularization': reg_loss}
# Function called by the optimization procedure to compute the loss for one batch
def compute_loss(self, data, data_idx):
loss_components = self.compute_loss_components(data)
loss = loss_components['reconstruction'] + self.beta * loss_components['regularization']
return {
'loss': loss, # The 'loss' key is used for gradient computation
'reconstruction': loss_components['reconstruction'].item(), # The other keys are returned for logging purposes
'regularization': loss_components['regularization'].item()
# Function implemented by representation learning models to define the encoding procedure
def encode(self, x) -> Distribution:
return self.encoder(x)
# Function implemented by generative models to generate new samples
def sample(self, sample_shape: torch.Size = torch.Size([]), sample_output=False) -> torch.Tensor:
# Sample from the prior
z = self.prior().sample(sample_shape)
# Compute p(X|Z=z) for the given sample
p_x_given_z = self.decoder(z)
# Return mean or a sample from p(X|Z=z) depending on the sample_output flag
if sample_output:
x = p_x_given_z.sample()
x = p_x_given_z.mean
return x
Modularity and re-usability are the key design principles that allow to re-use and read the model code in a completely
task-agnostic fashion. All the task-dependent code is contained into the parameters (such as encoder
and decoder
that are passed to the model.
Note that the code for the Variational Autoencoder model is completely independent of the specific dataset or architectures. Therefore, the same model can be used on all datasets without any need to rewrite or change the code as long as the different data types are handled correctly by the respective encoder and decoder architectures.
Different architectures are implemented in the code/architectures
folder. Each architecture is designed for a specific
role (e.g. Encoder
, Decoder
, Predictor
, ...), as a result the same architecture can be used in multiple models.
Since the architecture code is data-dependent, each dataset will correspond to a different set of architectures.
Here we report the example for the VariationalAutoencoder
INPUT_SHAPE = [1, 28, 28]
N_INPUTS = 28*28
# Model for q(Z|X)
class Encoder(ConditionalDistribution):
def __init__(self, z_dim: int, layers: list):
Encoder network used to parametrize a conditional distribution
:param z_dim: number of dimensions for the latent distribution
:param layers: list describing the layers
super(Encoder, self).__init__()
# Create a stack of layers with ReLU activations as specified
nn_layers = make_stack([N_INPUTS] + list(layers)) = nn.Sequential(
Flatten(), # Layer to flatten the input
*nn_layers, # The previously created stack
nn.ReLU(True), # A ReLU activation
StochasticLinear(layers[-1], z_dim, 'Normal') # A layer that returns a factorized Normal distribution
def forward(self, x) -> Distribution:
# Note that the encoder returns a factorized normal distribution and not a vector
The optimization procedure is designed to contain the logic regarding how the model is updated over time. This includes the definition of optimizers, data-loaders and learning-rate schedulers. Once again, the optimization procedure is designed to be modular and model-agnostic. Here we report the example for the a batch-based training procedure with the ADAM optimizer:
# Each optimization procedure is a pytorch lightning module
class AdamBatchOptimization(pl.LightningModule):
def __init__(self,
model: Model, # The model to optimize
data: dict, # The dictionary of Datasets defined in the previous 'Data' section
num_workers: int, # Number of workers for the data_loader
batch_size: int, # Batch size
lr: float, # Learning rate
pin_memory: bool=True # Flag to enable memory pinning
super(AdamBatchOptimization, self).__init__()
self.model = model = data
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.num_workers = num_workers = lr
self.pin_memory = pin_memory
# this overrides the pl.LightningModule train_dataloader which is used by the Trainer
def train_dataloader(self) -> DataLoader:
return DataLoader(['train'],
# The training step simply returns the computation from the model after logging its entries
def training_step(self, data, data_idx) -> STEP_OUTPUT:
# Compute the loss using the compute_loss function from the model
loss_items = self.model.compute_loss(data, data_idx)
# Log the loss components
for name, value in loss_items.items():
self.log('Train/%s' % name, value)
# Increment the iteration counts.
# The self.counters dictionary can be used to define custom counts
# (e.g number of adversarial/generator iterations during adversarial training)
self.counters['iteration'] += 1
return loss_items
# Instantiate the Adam optimizer passing the model trainable parameters
def configure_optimizers(self):
return Adam(self.model.parameters(),
Each optimization procedure is a Pytorch Lightning module, therefore it is possible to extend all the corresponding functions for customized training/data loading.
The corresponding configuration file simply defines the references for the parameters of the constructor:
_target_: code.optimization.batch_ADAM.AdamBatchOptimization
model: ${model}
data: ${data}
lr: ${}
num_workers: ${device.num_workers}
batch_size: ${params.batch_size}
pin_memory: ${device.pin_memory}
Once again the device-specic configuration refers to the device
component, while hyper-parameters point to the values
in params
The optimization.model
components point to model
and data
global keys respectively, which
are defined in the data and model sections.
Each callback in callbacks
must be an instance of a Pytorch Lighning callback.
Callbacks are mainly used for checkpointing or logging.
Here we include the implementation of a customized callback for evaluation
named EvaluationCallback
that calls a specified evaluation metric any pre-definite amount of time (evaluate_every
). This quantity can be specified
in model iterations
or epochs
, or in seconds
or days
for increased flexibility.
This structure allows us to completely separate training and evaluation code. Another advantage is that the same evaluation
metric can be used for different models and architectures.
Additional callbacks can be used for early stopping or other custom functions that need to act on the optimization procedure, model or its components.
Each evaluation metric is defined as an object that implements an evaluate(optimization_procedure)
parameter that
receives the Pytorch Lightning Module defining the optimization procedure and returns a LogEntry
object, which
specifies type of the entry and its value. Each evaluation metric is designed to be logger-agnostic (and data-agnostic
when possible).
Here we report the code for the evaluation procedure that is responsible for sampling and logging pictures for an image generative model (such as the VAE reported in the previous examples):
class ImageSampleEvaluation(Evaluation):
def __init__(self, n_pictures=10, **kwargs):
self.n_pictures = n_pictures
self.kwargs = kwargs
def evaluate(self, optimization: pl.LightningModule) -> LogEntry:
model = optimization.model
assert isinstance(model, GenerativeModel)
x_gen = model.sample([self.n_pictures], **self.kwargs).to('cpu')
return LogEntry(
data_type=IMAGE_ENTRY, #Type of the logged object, to be interpreted by the logger
value=make_grid(x_gen, nrow=self.n_pictures) # Value to log
The corresponding configuration is reported in the experiment definition example defined in the previous section.
The current implementation makes use of the Pytorch Lightning Checkpoint Callback with a slight adaptation for Weight and Bias. Basic Checkpoint callbacks are added into the 'config/logging' configuration.
Since, in the original Pytorch Lightning implementation,
the code for logging differs across different loggers, we implement an extension of TensorBoard
and Weights a& Bias loggers that exposes a unified interface log( name, log_entry, global_timestap)
The different log_entry.data_type
are handled differently by different loggers. Currently only scalar
, scalars
are implemented, but the wraper can be easily extended for other data types.
Here we report the example for the Wandb Logger wrapper:
class WandbLogger(loggers.WandbLogger):
def log(self, name: str, log_entry: LogEntry, global_step: int = None) -> None:
# single scalar
if log_entry.data_type == SCALAR_ENTRY:
self.experiment.log({name: log_entry.value, 'trainer/global_step': global_step})
# multiple scalars
elif log_entry.data_type == SCALARS_ENTRY:
entry = {'%s/%s' % (name, sub_name): v for sub_name, v in log_entry.value.items()}
entry['trainer/global_step'] = global_step
# Image
elif log_entry.data_type == IMAGE_ENTRY:
self.experiment.log(data={name: wandb.Image(log_entry.value)}, step=global_step)
# You can add other data-types to the chain of elif
raise Exception('Data type %s is not recognized by WandBLogWriter' % log_entry.data_type)
The model training is based on the Pytorch Lightning Trainer, therefore all the corresponding parameters can be accessed
and modified.
This can be done from the configuration files (such as in the config/logging/wandb.yaml
the config/device/laptop.yaml
# @package _global_
checkpoint_callback: False # Disable the default model checkpoints
Or by terminal when launching the train script
python experiment=MNIST_VAE +trainer.max_epochs=10
The device-specific configuration is defined in a separate .yaml
configuration file in config/device
, this include
(but is not limited to) directories and hardware-specific options.
The device
configuration will be assigned depending on the environment variable 'DEVICE_NAME'.
As an example, if DEVICE_NAME
is set to laptop
, the configuration in config/laptop.yaml
will be used.
This design allows us to define multiple devices (for deployment, training, testing) that are dynamically selected
based on the local value of DEVICE_NAME
. Adding a new configuration is as easy as creating a new .yaml
file to the
folder and assigning the corresponding DEVICE_NAME
on the device of interest.
The run configuration object is used to define the name associated to the run (
) and the name of the
corresponding project (run.project
). These properties can be accessed and modified form the command line
or by specifying them in the experiment definition.
The loading.ipynb notebook reports an example on how models can be easily retrieved directly from the Weights & Bias Api.