müd is a mood optimizer mobile app that allows users to describe their mood on a daily basis. It provides users with an advanced overview of their mood that includes history and data visualizations. Also, müd uses machine learning in order to make suggestions on how to improve users mood which takes user data about daily activities and global factors that can have an effect on their mood. This app will help to improve users mood in different ways.
- Analysis page
- Plot variable vs. time
- Plot mood vs. time
- Plot mood vs. day of week
- Plot mood vs. variable
- Variable statistics
- Year summary
- Insights
- Share chart as image
- Home page
- At-a-glance visualization
- View recommendation
- Dashboard view
- View mood and variable measurements from previous days
- Day Details View
- Add, edit, or delete an mood recording
- Add, edit, or delete an variable measurement
- Profile/Settings page
- Add custom variables
- Edit notification settings
- Edit theme
- Data export
- Check backup status
Install müd by downloading:
- The apk from our releases page
- The app from Google Play Store listing
If you are having difficulties using the app, please contact us. The mailing address is arca-industries@googlegroups.com.