Neuroscience of Learning, Memory, Cognition
- 1 - Including Hudgkin-Huxley Model and diffrenet thnigs about it like diffrenet external stimuli, n-v plot, Firerate-I plot etc. You can check the file Report in the directory HW1 and see more with a lot of explanation.
- 2 - Leaky Integrate and Fire Neuron Model : A simple model and a real model with designing input current with poisson distribution, designing Inhibitory and Excitatory inputs etc. You can find more by checking the report in directory HW1.
- 1 - Phase Plane and Limit Cycles
- 2 - Integrate and Fire model
- 3 - Spike-Triggered Average
- 4 - Raster Plot and PETH\PSTH
- 5 - Dynamic of SR Latch system
- 6 - Limit Cycle
- 1 - EEG signal Pre-Processing and Processing
- A 40 Hz auditory visual task
- 2 - Detecting apnea using EEG singal
- Implementation based on this article.
- 1 - Hand Written Digits Recognition
- digit recognition using a three layer neural network
- 2 - PCA Algorithm
- PCA on a set of points
- Eigenfaces and Eiganvalues