My solutions for challenges of web devlopment bootcamp by Angela Yu on udemy platform which covered :
- Html , css and bootstrap
- JavaScript and JQuery
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- React.js
- ...
Add the functionality to the website in order to play the game correctly
- Objective : practicing on JavaScript (Document Object Model).
- Starter code with html and css files only from appbrewery.
Add the functionality to the website in order to simulate Drum kit to play some music
- Objective : practicing on (Event listeners) in JavaScript.
- Starter code with html and css files from appbrewery
Simulation of the famous game simon as a web application
- Objective : practicing on JQuery.
- Starter code with html and css files from [appbrewery].
Implement a web application for a simple todo list
- Objective : practicing on (Express.js , templating usig EJS)
- Starter code with css file from appbrewery
Build a web application for personal blog
- Objective : practicing on(EJS , Layouts)
- Starter code with html and css files from appbrewery
Build a simple Restful API from scratch
- Objective : practicing on(MongoDB , Restful API)
Web appplication to keep your secrets and share them anonymously!
- Objective : practicing on (Authentication and security)
- database encryption
- salting and hashing passwords
- using environment variables
- cookies and sessions
- third party oauth (google apis)
- Starter code with html and css files from appbrewery
clone of google keeper app
- Objective : practicing on (React.js)
- Starter code with html and css files from appbrewery