🔭 I’m currently learning C++
🌱 I’m currently working on File-Manager
💬 Ask me about Python, Flask, TeleBot
📫 How to reach me: abaqry8686@gmail.com
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
🔭 I’m currently learning C++
🌱 I’m currently working on File-Manager
💬 Ask me about Python, Flask, TeleBot
📫 How to reach me: abaqry8686@gmail.com
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
A web app to upload images and remove their backgrounds using the RMBG-1.4 model.
This is a Python source code to get type http, socks4, socks5 proxies.
This is a background removal tool with briaai/RMBG-1.4 artificial intelligence model that removes the background of images well.