A program that prompts for a city name and returns the current temperature for the city using OpenWeatherMap API
- Verify you are running latest stable version of node
- Clone repository and "cd" into folder
- Set environment variable "APIKEY" to api key value retrieved from openweatherapi.org
- Add .env file to root folder
- Add line "APIKEY=< YOUR API KEY >"
- Type npm start into the terminal
- Follow steps 1 to 3 of "How to run"
- Type npm test into the terminal
- app.js (Application entry point/Server configuration)
- /app (App core)
- /routes (App routes)
- routes.js (Server handle for weather related client requests)
- /routes (App routes)
- /public (statically served files for client use)
- /css (local CSS)
- basic.css (Basic HTML stylesheet for views)
- /files (local files)
- city.list.json (City ID lookup database) [doesn't need to be public]
- /js (local JS)
- curr_weather.js (Scripting for HTML)
- /css (local CSS)
- /views (Client user interface)
- curr_weather.html (Domain page)
- /test (software testing folder)
- tests.js (BDD style testing with Chai)
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap (CSS/JS)
- JQuery (JS)
- Materialize (CSS/JS)
- Node.js (JavaScript)
- Babel (Next-gen JS compiler)
- Express.js (Web framework)
- Morgan (HTTP request debug logging)
- Request (HTTP request client)
- Body-parser (Body parsing)
- Compression (Gzip compression)
- Express-minify (Minification)
- Countrynames (Country name/code mapper)
- Chai (BDD / TDD assertion framework)
- Mocha (JS testing)
- SuperTest (HTTP server testing)
- Travis CI