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Python Selenium Page Object Wrapper

This project offers an selenium wrapper with enhanced page object design :

1. Finding of locators with ExplicitWait are wrapped under the library.

  • No use of webdriver.find_element nor explicit wait on the code. cleaner code
  • Expected conditions and time-out value are pass as class instantiation arguments. No use of time.sleep on the code.
  • Resulting in much better readable and maintainable scripts.
  • Example :

    With Framework:
    #define locator
    username = HTMLElement(id_='UserUsername',expected_condition = 'visible', timeout=10)
    #call locator
    Without Framework (native way)
    loc_username = 'UserUsername
    username_ele = WebDriverWait(webdriver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.ID,self.loc_username)))

2. Webelement gets looked up each time the locator is used.

  • Define locator once, but it does search for the locator everytime the webelement is called. (find element on the fly for every calls)
  • Helps to prevent StaleElementReferenceExceptions where element no longer attached to DOM.
  • Example:

    With Framework:
    state = HTMLElement(id_='state')
    # refresh page to reload the state
    # get the state without refinding the element
    Wihtout the Framework:
    # for simplicity , not using the webdriverwait in this examples.
    loc_state = 'state'
    state_ele = webdriver_find_by_id(loc_state)
    state_ele. get_attribute('value')
    # need to refind the webelement after refresh
    state_ele = webdriver_find_by_id(loc_state)
    state_ele. get_attribute('value')

3. Wraps the standard selenium methods/properties for better error handling and retries.

  • Standard selenium webelement actions/methods that fails are retried. Example, when click fails due to the “webdriver exceptions, the click will be received by different element”. The framework will retry the click for x number of times before throwing an exception.
  • No try catch code on the scripts. Clean code.

4. Allow parent-child node by defining the HTMLElement/HTMLElementList(child) as attributes of another HTMLElement/HTMLElementList(parents).

  • Ability to define collection of web elements as a class and to reuse on multiple pages. Less boilerplate code.
  • locating elements easier as its search scope will limited to the nested elements of the fragment only.
  • easier code management as the complex pages or large functinal areas can be break into smaller multiple class objects.


  • PageObject represents a webpage.
  • Defines all the HTMLElement, HTMLElementList as class attributes.
  • Functionality and the service offered by the page are defined as methods.
  • Test scripts calls the attributes and the methods which makes the test script human readable (like psudocode).
  • Instantiate with selenium webdriver instance.


  • Represents each html element on a webpage (PageObject). Represents the DOM element.

  • A wrapper class that encapsulates the standard functionality of the Selenium WebElement class for better error handling. The actions will be retried for x (defaults to 3) times before raising an Timeout exception.

  • Locates the element on the fly (in other words, the webdriver does a find_element every time this object is called in the script. helps to avoid StaleElementReference exceptions and cleaner code).

  • Finds a Selenium WebElement instance for the locator specified in its constructor with an explicit wait(webdriverwait) automatically.

  • Locators, Expected Conditions and WaitTimeout are specified as instantiation arguments.

  • Locators can be any from the following table. The values maps to the Selenium Webdriver’s locator strategies.

    Keyword Arg
    id_ By.ID
    name By.NAME
    class_name By.CLASS_NAME
    tag_name By.TAG_NAME
    link_text By.LINK_TEXT
    partial_link_text By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT
    xpath By.XPATH
  • Expected Conditions can be any from the following table. The Values maps to Selenium Webdriver’s Expected Conditions.

    For HTMLElement:

    Keyword Arg
    presence expected_conditions.presence_of_element_located
    visible expected_conditions.visibility_of_element_located
    frame_available expected_conditions.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it
    invisible expected_conditions.invisibility_of_element_located
    clickable expected_conditions.element_to_be_clickable
    selected expected_conditions.element_located_to_be_selected

    For HTMLElementList:

    Keyword Arg
    presence expected_conditions.presence_of_all_elements_located
    visible expected_conditions.visibility_of_any_elements_located
  • Expected condition and WaitTimeout is optional arguments which are default to "visible" and 10 seconds.

  • Available methods (Standard Selenium WebElement actions) that will be retried on failures.

    • Click()
    • Send_keys()
    • Clear()
    • Text
    • Get_attributes()
    • Is_displayed()
    • Is_selected()
    • Submit()
    • Is_enable()
  • All the available find_element* methods found under the selenium webelement are not wrapped under this for the error handling and retries.

  • Instantiated under

    • PageObject
    • HTMLElement (where this instance acts as a parent)
  • Parent-Child Hierachy

    • HTMLElement acts as a child node when they are defined as attributes of another HTMLElement class.
    • Search scope of the attributes will be limited to the Parent element.
    • When to use?
      • A collection of elements or fragment of a page is being reused. For an example, tables, widgets, menus, footers, search bars etc.
      • To break down the functionality of the page for a better code management and readability.
  • native_weblement property returns the selenium webelement instance.


  • Represents list of webelements on a webpage.
  • Constructed same way as HTMLElement.
  • Locating elements works same way as HTMLElement.

Extended Elements

  • Todo .. Coming Soon.

Simple Examples

1. PageObject & HTMLElement

lets take a simple login page.

<div class="form">
   <form class="login-form">
     <input type="text" id='UserUserName' placeholder="username"/>
     <input type="password" id='UserPassword' placeholder="password"/>
     <button id='loginbutton'>login</button>
     <p class="message">Not registered? <a href="#">Create an account</a></p>

The PageObject Class :

class LoginPage(PageObject):
	username = HTMLElement(id_='UserUserName')
	password = HTMLElement(id_='UserPassword')
	login_button = HTMLElement(id_='loginbutton', expected_condition='clickable')
	# service offered by the page are defined as methods
	def login(username, password);
		self.username = username # can do it this way too, its the same: self.username.send_keys(username)
		self.password = password # since the expected_condition is set as clickable,

There is 2 ways to login from the test script

webdriver = webdriver.Firefox()
login_page = LoginPage(webdriver)

# method 1 : use the attributes directly
login_page.username = 'SomeUserName' # can do it this way too, its the same :  login_page.username.send_keys('SomeUserName')
login_page.password = 'SomePassword'

# method 2 : use the predefined method for login
login_page.login(username='SomeUserName', password='SomePassword')
2. PageObject with HTMLElementList

lets take a simple nav menu example

  <ul id="Menu">
    <li class="Menus">
    <li class="Menus">
    <li class="Menus">
    <li class="Menus">
    <li class="Menus">

The PageObject:

class SomePage(PageObject):
	nav_list = HTMLElementList(class_name='Menus')

To click the Explore menu at test script:

webdriver = webdriver.Firefox()
some_page = SomePage(webdriver)
3. PageObject with HTMLElement

Let's take a search box that appears on 2 different page.

Snipet of Page A html

<div class='PageA'>
  <div id='search-box'> 
      <input name='q' placeholder='Search' type='text'/> 
      <button type='submit'> 

Snippet of Page B html

<div class='PageB'>
      <input name='q' placeholder='Search' type='text'/> 
      <button type='submit'> 

SearchBox HTMLElement class :

class SearchBox(HTMLElement):
  # locators/attributes defined under HTMLElement is searched withtin the context of the element declared during the declaration of this HTMLElement
  search_text = HTMLElement(xpath="./form/input")
  search_button = HTMLElement(xpath="./form/button", expected_condition="clickable")
  # methods (operations that can be done on this collection of elements)
  def search(query):
    self.seach_text = query

Respective Page A and Page B PageObject:

class PageA(PageObject):

	search_box = SearchBox(id_="search-box")
class PageB(PageObject):
	seach_box = SearchBox(xpath="//div[@class='PageB'/div")
4. PageObject with HTMLElementList

Good example for this would be the google search results. Please look at the test/google directory.


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