Code for running and analyzing the Camera Network
Latest version can be downloaded from github.
Documentation is provided using sphinx.
To compile the documentation:
Make sure Sphinx is installed pip install -U Sphinx
Navigate to document folder cd docs
then generate source files -
sphinx-apidoc -f -o source ..\CameraNetwork
sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../CameraNetwork
Finally, Create html document make html
or, for PDF:
sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-extra latexmk texlive-luatex texlive-xetex
make latexpdf
To view the docs navigate to /docs/build/latex/CameraNetwork.pdf
or run /docs/build/html/index.html
Amit Aides
Adi Vainiger, Omer Shubi
Please see the LICENSE file for details on copying and usage.