This is creativePathway assignment. Our brief is to create a website for Prospex using a CMS system like Hugo or Jekyll.
- Google Maps showing location of where Box Uo Crime is located - NOTE: APIKEY I inserted is my personal one and it's for test purposes only.
Be marked up using semantic HTML5 elements including main, section, nav and article
Be fully accessible including aria-labels, tab index, title, alt and role attributes
Use a CSS framework such as Bootstrap or Tachyons for visual layout
Have a consistent approach to typography
Use colours that meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Be responsive
Work in multiple browsers
- The website should communicate what the organisation is, what it does, and showcase its programmes.
- Pages and posts are editable by the client using a content management system.
- Deploys automatically on a push to the master branch.
- The website should closely meet the client requirements laid out in the notes and documents contained in the project folder. These requirements are not clear, and you need to use your judgement as the designer to help the client communicate effectively online.
Hand in:
- A git repository
- The URL of your site
- Login details to your CMS (if applicable)
- Hugo
- Netlify
- HTML, CSS and JS