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Max Lammers edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 6 revisions

Here, you will find a more global documentation of the API and its architecture. For a full reference of all classes, namespaces and functions or each API, you should refer to the /doc directory in each of the different Core API folder.


The SenseGlove API consists of two parts: A "connection library", called SGConnect, whose main function is to detect SenseGlove devices and exchange raw data, and a "core library", called SGCore, which takes this raw data from shared memory and transforms it into useable variables. SGConnect is integrated into an executable, called SenseCom. This program provides a user interface to show the connection status of your devices, and in the future, will be used to handle calibration and firmware updates.

(This wiki page is a work in progress. The links that are clickable are in place)