Real-time Modification of Requests
RtMoR is alternative to Requestly
- (new website)
- (old website)
If you are working on an application in React, Angular, VueJS, you will definitely appreciate RtMoR. See the problem below that RtMoR is solving.
You need to debug your JavaScript application in production. Unfortunately, you cannot make a copy of such an environment and nor can you access JS scripts on the server.
Thanks to RtMoR, you can redirect the selected resource request to the local server.
So you can safely work in the production environment.
Remember to build a project!
( ↑ Script
uses the GO compiler - recommended version: 1.17/1.18 )
Show help:
./build/linux-amd64/rtmor -help
Run proxy server that is listening on all network interfaces:
./build/linux-amd64/rtmor -start -listen -log BMW
Run with a configuration containing sample rules:
./build/linux-amd64/rtmor -start -listen -cfg ./configs/sample.yaml -log BMW
The configuration file contains examples of using RtMoR → ./configs/sample.yaml
Remember to build a project!
( ↑ Script dist.cmd
uses the GO compiler - recommended version: 1.17/1.18 )
Run with a configuration containing sample rules:
build\windows-amd64\rtmor.exe -start -listen -cfg configs\sample.yaml -log BMW
For HTTPS redirection to work, install the certificate on the device.
The certificate comes from elazarl/goproxy
How do install a root certificate in Linux (Ubuntu, Linux Mint) ( screenshot )
Download binaries ready to run.
Extra download RtMoR 0.7.4 + Firefox Portable
Password: 2RstVAKVAub5
I put the software temporarily under the Go-compatible BSD license. If this prevents someone from using the software, do let me know and I'll consider changing it.
The software uses repositories:
- (Go-compatible BSD license)
- (Apache License 2.0)
- (MIT License)
The software was created for personal use and is in the early stages of development, so CLI is subject to change.
Adrian Gargula | |