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sonmarcho authored Jul 9, 2024
2 parents 4ac0b8b + 589339b commit 5874ee6
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Showing 11 changed files with 113 additions and 182 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion charon-pin
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# This is the commit from that should be used with this version of aeneas.
156 changes: 50 additions & 106 deletions compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,16 +94,15 @@ let ctx_add_norm_trait_types_from_preds (span : Meta.span) (ctx : eval_ctx)
let rec trait_instance_id_is_local_clause (id : trait_instance_id) : bool =
match id with
| Self | Clause _ -> true
| ParentClause (id, _, _) | ItemClause (id, _, _, _) ->
trait_instance_id_is_local_clause id
| TraitImpl _
| BuiltinOrAuto _
| TraitRef _
| UnknownTrait _
| FnPointer _
| Closure _
| Unsolved _
| Dyn _ -> false
| ParentClause (id, _, _) | ItemClause (id, _, _, _) ->
trait_instance_id_is_local_clause id

(** About the conversion functions: for now we need them (TODO: merge ety, rty, etc.),
but they should be applied to types without regions.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,6 +148,10 @@ let trait_ref_to_string (ctx : norm_ctx) (x : trait_ref) : string =
let ctx = norm_ctx_to_fmt_env ctx in
Print.Types.trait_ref_to_string ctx x

let trait_decl_ref_to_string (ctx : norm_ctx) (x : trait_decl_ref) : string =
let ctx = norm_ctx_to_fmt_env ctx in
Print.Types.trait_decl_ref_to_string ctx x

let trait_instance_id_to_string (ctx : norm_ctx) (x : trait_instance_id) :
string =
let ctx = norm_ctx_to_fmt_env ctx in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,23 +250,7 @@ let rec norm_ctx_normalize_ty (ctx : norm_ctx) (ty : ty) : ty =
let trait_ref = norm_ctx_normalize_trait_ref ctx trait_ref in
let ty : ty =
match trait_ref.trait_id with
| TraitRef { trait_id = TraitImpl impl_id; generics = ref_generics; _ }
cassert_opt_span __FILE__ __LINE__
(ref_generics = empty_generic_args)
ctx.span "Higher order trait types are not supported yet";
("norm_ctx_normalize_ty: trait type: trait ref: "
^ ty_to_string ctx ty));
(* Lookup the type *)
let ty =
norm_ctx_lookup_trait_impl_ty ctx impl_id trait_ref.generics
(* Normalize *)
norm_ctx_normalize_ty ctx ty
| TraitImpl impl_id ->
| TraitImpl (impl_id, generics) ->
("norm_ctx_normalize_ty (trait impl):\n- trait type: "
Expand All @@ -278,8 +265,7 @@ let rec norm_ctx_normalize_ty (ctx : norm_ctx) (ty : ty) : ty =
(* Lookup the type *)
let ty =
norm_ctx_lookup_trait_impl_ty ctx impl_id trait_ref.generics
norm_ctx_lookup_trait_impl_ty ctx impl_id generics type_name
(* Normalize *)
norm_ctx_normalize_ty ctx ty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,27 +336,22 @@ let rec norm_ctx_normalize_ty (ctx : norm_ctx) (ty : ty) : ty =
over it.
and norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id (ctx : norm_ctx)
(id : trait_instance_id) : trait_instance_id * trait_ref option =
(id : trait_instance_id) : trait_instance_id =
match id with
| Self -> (id, None)
| TraitImpl _ ->
| Self -> id
| TraitImpl (impl_id, generics) ->
(* The [TraitImpl] shouldn't be inside any projection - we check this
elsewhere by asserting that whenever we return [None] for the impl
trait ref, then the id actually refers to a local clause. *)
(id, None)
| Clause _ -> (id, None)
| BuiltinOrAuto _ -> (id, None)
| ParentClause (inst_id, decl_id, clause_id) -> (
let inst_id, impl = norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id ctx inst_id in
let generics = norm_ctx_normalize_generic_args ctx generics in
TraitImpl (impl_id, generics)
| Clause _ -> id
| BuiltinOrAuto _ -> id
| ParentClause (inst_id, decl_id, clause_id) -> begin
let inst_id = norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id ctx inst_id in
(* Check if the inst_id refers to a specific implementation, if yes project *)
match impl with
| None ->
(* This is actually a local clause *)
sanity_check_opt_span __FILE__ __LINE__
(trait_instance_id_is_local_clause inst_id)
(ParentClause (inst_id, decl_id, clause_id), None)
| Some impl ->
match inst_id with
| TraitImpl (impl_id, generics) ->
(* We figure out the parent clause by doing the following:
// The implementation we are looking at
Expand All @@ -383,27 +364,24 @@ and norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id (ctx : norm_ctx)
(* Lookup the clause *)
let impl_id =
TypesUtils.trait_instance_id_as_trait_impl impl.trait_id
let clause =
norm_ctx_lookup_trait_impl_parent_clause ctx impl_id impl.generics
norm_ctx_lookup_trait_impl_parent_clause ctx impl_id generics
(* Normalize the clause *)
let clause = norm_ctx_normalize_trait_ref ctx clause in
(TraitRef clause, Some clause))
| ItemClause (inst_id, decl_id, item_name, clause_id) -> (
let inst_id, impl = norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id ctx inst_id in
(* Check if the inst_id refers to a specific implementation, if yes project *)
match impl with
| None ->
norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id ctx clause.trait_id
| _ ->
(* This is actually a local clause *)
sanity_check_opt_span __FILE__ __LINE__
(trait_instance_id_is_local_clause inst_id)
(ItemClause (inst_id, decl_id, item_name, clause_id), None)
| Some impl ->
ParentClause (inst_id, decl_id, clause_id)
| ItemClause (inst_id, decl_id, item_name, clause_id) -> begin
let inst_id = norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id ctx inst_id in
(* Check if the inst_id refers to a specific implementation, if yes project *)
match inst_id with
| TraitImpl (impl_id, generics) ->
(* We figure out the item clause by doing the following:
// The implementation we are looking at
Expand All @@ -416,49 +394,30 @@ and norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id (ctx : norm_ctx)
(* Lookup the impl *)
let impl_id =
TypesUtils.trait_instance_id_as_trait_impl impl.trait_id
let clause =
norm_ctx_lookup_trait_impl_item_clause ctx impl_id impl.generics
norm_ctx_lookup_trait_impl_item_clause ctx impl_id generics
item_name clause_id
(* Normalize the clause *)
let clause = norm_ctx_normalize_trait_ref ctx clause in
(TraitRef clause, Some clause))
| TraitRef { trait_id = TraitImpl trait_id; generics; trait_decl_ref } ->
(* We can't simplify the id *yet* : we will simplify it when projecting.
However, we have an implementation to return *)
(* Normalize the generics *)
let generics = norm_ctx_normalize_generic_args ctx generics in
let trait_decl_ref =
norm_ctx_normalize_trait_decl_ref ctx trait_decl_ref
let trait_ref : trait_ref =
{ trait_id = TraitImpl trait_id; generics; trait_decl_ref }
(TraitRef trait_ref, Some trait_ref)
| TraitRef trait_ref ->
(* The trait instance id necessarily refers to a local sub-clause. We
can't project over it and can only peel off the [TraitRef] wrapper *)
sanity_check_opt_span __FILE__ __LINE__
(trait_instance_id_is_local_clause trait_ref.trait_id)
sanity_check_opt_span __FILE__ __LINE__
(trait_ref.generics = empty_generic_args)
(trait_ref.trait_id, None)
norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id ctx clause.trait_id
| _ ->
(* This is actually a local clause *)
sanity_check_opt_span __FILE__ __LINE__
(trait_instance_id_is_local_clause inst_id)
ItemClause (inst_id, decl_id, item_name, clause_id)
| FnPointer ty ->
let ty = norm_ctx_normalize_ty ctx ty in
(* TODO: we might want to return the ref to the function pointer,
in order to later normalize a call to this function pointer *)
(FnPointer ty, None)
FnPointer ty
| Closure (fid, generics) ->
let generics = norm_ctx_normalize_generic_args ctx generics in
(Closure (fid, generics), None)
Closure (fid, generics)
| Unsolved _ | UnknownTrait _ ->
(* This is actually an error case *)
(id, None)
| Dyn _ ->
craise_opt_span __FILE__ __LINE__ ctx.span
"Dynamic trait types are not supported yet"
Expand All @@ -477,31 +436,16 @@ and norm_ctx_normalize_trait_ref (ctx : norm_ctx) (trait_ref : trait_ref) :
("norm_ctx_normalize_trait_ref: "
^ trait_ref_to_string ctx trait_ref
^ "\n- raw trait ref:\n" ^ show_trait_ref trait_ref));
let { trait_id; generics; trait_decl_ref } = trait_ref in
let { trait_id; trait_decl_ref } = trait_ref in

(* Check if the id is an impl, otherwise normalize it *)
let trait_id, norm_trait_ref =
norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id ctx trait_id
match norm_trait_ref with
| None ->
("norm_ctx_normalize_trait_ref: no norm: "
^ trait_instance_id_to_string ctx trait_id));
let generics = norm_ctx_normalize_generic_args ctx generics in
let trait_decl_ref =
norm_ctx_normalize_trait_decl_ref ctx trait_decl_ref
{ trait_id; generics; trait_decl_ref }
| Some trait_ref ->
("norm_ctx_normalize_trait_ref: normalized to: "
^ trait_ref_to_string ctx trait_ref));
sanity_check_opt_span __FILE__ __LINE__
(generics = empty_generic_args)
let trait_id = norm_ctx_normalize_trait_instance_id ctx trait_id in
let trait_decl_ref = norm_ctx_normalize_trait_decl_ref ctx trait_decl_ref in
("norm_ctx_normalize_trait_ref: no norm: "
^ trait_instance_id_to_string ctx trait_id));
{ trait_id; trait_decl_ref }

(* Not sure this one is really necessary *)
and norm_ctx_normalize_trait_decl_ref (ctx : norm_ctx)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1641,9 +1641,9 @@ let ctx_compute_trait_clause_name (ctx : extraction_ctx)
(fun (c : Types.trait_clause) -> c.clause_id = clause_id)
let trait_id = clause.trait_id in
let trait_id = clause.trait.trait_decl_id in
let impl_trait_decl = TraitDeclId.Map.find trait_id ctx.crate.trait_decls in
let args = clause.clause_generics in
let args = clause.trait.decl_generics in
trait_name_with_generics_to_simple_name ctx.trans_ctx ~prefix params args
Expand Down
50 changes: 21 additions & 29 deletions compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -587,9 +587,6 @@ let rec extract_ty (span : Meta.span) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
match trait_ref.trait_id with
| Self ->
sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
(trait_ref.generics = empty_generic_args)
extract_trait_instance_id_with_dot span ctx fmt no_params_tys false
F.pp_print_string fmt type_name
Expand All @@ -606,28 +603,7 @@ let rec extract_ty (span : Meta.span) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
and extract_trait_ref (span : Meta.span) (ctx : extraction_ctx)
(fmt : F.formatter) (no_params_tys : TypeDeclId.Set.t) (inside : bool)
(tr : trait_ref) : unit =
let use_brackets = tr.generics <> empty_generic_args && inside in
if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
(* We may need to filter the parameters if the trait is builtin *)
let generics =
match tr.trait_id with
| TraitImpl id -> (
TraitImplId.Map.find_opt id ctx.trait_impls_filter_type_args_map
| None -> tr.generics
| Some filter ->
let types =
(fun (b, x) -> if b then Some x else None)
(List.combine filter tr.generics.types)
{ tr.generics with types })
| _ -> tr.generics
extract_trait_instance_id span ctx fmt no_params_tys inside tr.trait_id;
extract_generic_args span ctx fmt no_params_tys generics;
if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"
extract_trait_instance_id span ctx fmt no_params_tys inside tr.trait_id

and extract_trait_decl_ref (span : Meta.span) (ctx : extraction_ctx)
(fmt : F.formatter) (no_params_tys : TypeDeclId.Set.t) (inside : bool)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -715,9 +691,27 @@ and extract_trait_instance_id (span : Meta.span) (ctx : extraction_ctx)
(associated type, etc.). We should have caught this elsewhere. *)
save_error __FILE__ __LINE__ (Some span) "Unexpected occurrence of `Self`";
F.pp_print_string fmt "ERROR(\"Unexpected Self\")"
| TraitImpl id ->
| TraitImpl (id, generics) ->
(* We may need to filter the parameters if the trait is builtin *)
let generics =
TraitImplId.Map.find_opt id ctx.trait_impls_filter_type_args_map
| None -> generics
| Some filter ->
let types =
(fun (b, x) -> if b then Some x else None)
(List.combine filter generics.types)
{ generics with types }
let name = ctx_get_trait_impl span id ctx in
F.pp_print_string fmt name
let use_brackets = generics <> empty_generic_args && inside in
if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
F.pp_print_string fmt name;
extract_generic_args span ctx fmt no_params_tys generics;
if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"
| Clause id ->
let name = ctx_get_local_trait_clause span id ctx in
F.pp_print_string fmt name
Expand All @@ -733,8 +727,6 @@ and extract_trait_instance_id (span : Meta.span) (ctx : extraction_ctx)
extract_trait_instance_id_with_dot span ctx fmt no_params_tys true inst_id;
F.pp_print_string fmt (add_brackets name)
| TraitRef trait_ref ->
extract_trait_ref span ctx fmt no_params_tys inside trait_ref
| UnknownTrait _ ->
(* This is an error case *)
craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unexpected"
Expand Down
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,17 +133,15 @@ let symbolic_instantiate_fun_sig (span : Meta.span) (ctx : eval_ctx)
(fun tr_map (c : trait_clause) ->
let subst = mk_subst tr_map in
let { trait_id = trait_decl_id; clause_generics; _ } = c in
let { trait_decl_id; decl_generics; _ } = c.trait in
let generics =
Substitute.generic_args_substitute subst clause_generics
Substitute.generic_args_substitute subst decl_generics
let trait_decl_ref = { trait_decl_id; decl_generics = generics } in
(* Note that because we directly refer to the clause, we give it
empty generics *)
let trait_id = Clause c.clause_id in
let trait_ref =
{ trait_id; generics = empty_generic_args; trait_decl_ref }
let trait_ref = { trait_id; trait_decl_ref } in
(* Update the traits map *)
let tr_map = TraitClauseId.Map.add c.clause_id trait_id tr_map in
(tr_map, trait_ref))
Expand Down

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