This repository contains a curated list of useful (read awesome) resources related to aerodynamics, aerial robots and simulators.
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- Iterated extended Kalman filter based visual-inertial odometry using direct photometric feedback (ROVIO) [Paper][Code]
- Keyframe-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry using Nonlinear Optimization (OKVIS) [Paper][Code]
- VINS-Mono: A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator [Paper][Code]
- Minimum Snap Trajectory Generation [Paper] [Code]
- BIT*-based path planning for micro aerial vehicles [Paper][BIT*-Paper]
- Robotics Specialisation
- [Coursera] Robotics: Aerial Robotics
- [Coursera] Robotics: Computational Motion Planning
- [Coursera] Robotics: Mobility
- [Coursera] Robotics: Perception
- [Coursera] Robotics: Estimation and Learning
- The astounding athletic power of quadcopters
- Artificial Intelligence Podcast by Lex Fridman
- Robotics Today
- MIT RoboSeminars
- Stanford - Robotics and Autonomous Systems Seminar
- CMU RI Robotics Seminars
- Autonomous landing UAV [Link]
- RotorS Simulator ETHZ-ASL [Link]
- Graph Based Exploration Planner (GBPlanner) UNR-ARL [Link]
- Motion Primitives Based Exploration Planner (MBPlanner) UNR-ARL [Link]
- Implementaions of Various Algorithms in Python [Link]
- FASTER: Fast and Safe Trajectory Planner for Flights in Unknown Environments [Link]
- General ROS Navigation (GeRoNa) [Link]
- All about Robotics [Link]
- MAV Trajectory Generation (ETHZ ASL) [Link]