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Geo-related tools PHP 5.4+ library built atop Geocoder and React libraries


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Geotools is a PHP geo-related library, built atop Geocoder and React libraries.

Build Status Latest Version Total Downloads Quality Score SensioLabs Insight PHP7 Ready


  • Batch geocode & reverse geocoding request(s) in series / in parallel against one or a set of providers. »
  • Cache geocode & reverse geocoding result(s) with Redis, Memcached or MongoDB to improve performances. »
  • Compute geocode & reverse geocoding in the command-line interface (CLI) + dumpers and formatters. »
  • Accept almost all kind of WGS84 geographic coordinates as coordinates. »
  • Support 23 different ellipsoids and it's easy to provide a new one if needed. »
  • Convert and format decimal degrees coordinates to decimal minutes or degrees minutes seconds coordinates. »
  • Convert decimal degrees coordinates in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection. »
  • Compute the distance in meter (by default), km, mi or ft between two coordinates using flat, great circle, haversine or vincenty algorithms. »
  • Compute the initial and final bearing from the origin coordinate to the destination coordinate in degrees. »
  • Compute the initial and final cardinal point (direction) from the origin coordinate to the destination coordinate, read more in wikipedia. »
  • Compute the half-way point (coordinate) between the origin and the destination coordinates. »
  • Compute the destination point (coordinate) with given bearing in degrees and a distance in meters. »
  • Encode a coordinate to a geo hash string and decode it to a coordinate, read more in wikipedia and on »
  • Encode a coordinate via the 10:10 algorithm. »
  • Polygon class provides methods to check either a poing (coordinate) is in, or on the polygon's boundaries. »
  • A command-line interface (CLI) for Distance, Point, Geohash and Convert classes. »
  • Integration with Frameworks: Laravel 4, Silex ... »
  • ... more to come ...


Geotools can be found on Packagist. The recommended way to install Geotools is through composer.

Run the following on the command line:

php composer require league/geotools=@stable

Protip: you should browse the league/geotools page to choose a stable version to use, avoid the @stable meta constraint.

Important: you should use the 0.4 version if you use Geocoder 2.x or/and PHP 5.3.

And install dependencies:

$ curl -sS | php
$ php composer.phar install

Now you can add the autoloader, and you will have access to the library:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Usage & API

Coordinate & Ellipsoid

The default geodetic datum is WGS84 and coordinates are in decimal degrees.


If you need to use an other ellipsoid, just create an array like this:


$myEllipsoid = \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Ellipsoid::createFromArray([
    'name' => 'My Ellipsoid', // The name of the Ellipsoid
    'a'    => 123.0, // The semi-major axis (equatorial radius) in meters
    'invF' => 456.0 // The inverse flattening

Geotools is built atop Geocoder. It means it's possible to use the \Geocoder\Model\Address directly but it's also possible to use a string or a simple array with its latitude and longitude.

It supports valid and acceptable geographic coordinates like:

  • 40:26:46N,079:56:55W
  • 40:26:46.302N 079:56:55.903W
  • 40°26′47″N 079°58′36″W
  • 40d 26′ 47″ N 079d 58′ 36″ W
  • 40.446195N 79.948862W
  • 40.446195, -79.948862
  • 40° 26.7717, -79° 56.93172

Latitudes below -90.0 or above 90.0 degrees are capped through \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate::normalizeLatitude().
Longitudes below -180.0 or above 180.0 degrees are wrapped through \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate::normalizeLongitude().


use League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate;
use League\Geotools\Coordinate\Ellipsoid;

// from an \Geocoder\Model\Address instance within Airy ellipsoid
$coordinate = new Coordinate($geocoderResult, Ellipsoid::createFromName(Ellipsoid::AIRY));
// or in an array of latitude/longitude coordinate within GRS 1980 ellipsoid
$coordinate = new Coordinate([48.8234055, 2.3072664], Ellipsoid::createFromName(Ellipsoid::GRS_1980));
// or in latitude/longitude coordinate within WGS84 ellipsoid
$coordinate = new Coordinate('48.8234055, 2.3072664');
// or in degrees minutes seconds coordinate within WGS84 ellipsoid
$coordinate = new Coordinate('48°49′24″N, 2°18′26″E');
// or in decimal minutes coordinate within WGS84 ellipsoid
$coordinate = new Coordinate('48 49.4N, 2 18.43333E');
// the result will be:
printf("Latitude: %F\n", $coordinate->getLatitude()); // 48.8234055
printf("Longitude: %F\n", $coordinate->getLongitude()); // 2.3072664
printf("Ellipsoid name: %s\n", $coordinate->getEllipsoid()->getName()); // WGS 84
printf("Equatorial radius: %F\n", $coordinate->getEllipsoid()->getA()); // 6378136.0
printf("Polar distance: %F\n", $coordinate->getEllipsoid()->getB()); // 6356751.317598
printf("Inverse flattening: %F\n", $coordinate->getEllipsoid()->getInvF()); // 298.257224
printf("Mean radius: %F\n", $coordinate->getEllipsoid()->getArithmeticMeanRadius()); // 6371007.772533
// it's also possible to modify the coordinate without creating an other coodinate
$coordinate->setFromString('40°26′47″N 079°58′36″W');
printf("Latitude: %F\n", $coordinate->getLatitude()); // 40.446388888889
printf("Longitude: %F\n", $coordinate->getLongitude()); // -79.976666666667


It provides methods (and aliases) to convert decimal degrees WGS84 coordinates to degrees minutes seconds or decimal minutes WGS84 coordinates. You can format the output string easily.

You can also convert them in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection (Southwest coast of Norway and the region of Svalbard are covered).


$geotools   = new \League\Geotools\Geotools();
$coordinate = new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate('40.446195, -79.948862');
$converted  = $geotools->convert($coordinate);
// convert to decimal degrees without and with format string
printf("%s\n", $converted->toDecimalMinutes()); // 40 26.7717N, -79 56.93172W
printf("%s\n", $converted->toDM('%P%D°%N %p%d°%n')); // 40°26.7717 -79°56.93172
// convert to degrees minutes seconds without and with format string
printf("%s\n", $converted->toDegreesMinutesSeconds('<p>%P%D:%M:%S, %p%d:%m:%s</p>')); // <p>40:26:46, -79:56:56</p>
printf("%s\n", $converted->toDMS()); // 40°26′46″N, 79°56′56″W
// convert in the UTM projection (standard format)
printf("%s\n", $converted->toUniversalTransverseMercator()); // 17T 589138 4477813
printf("%s\n", $converted->toUTM()); // 17T 589138 4477813 (alias)

Here is the mapping:

Decimal minutes Latitude Longitude
Positive or negative sign %P %p
Direction %L %l
Degrees %D %d
Decimal minutes %N %n
Degrees minutes seconds Latitude Longitude
Positive or negative sign %P %p
Direction %L %l
Degrees %D %d
Minutes %M %m
Seconds %S %s


It provides a very handy way to batch geocode and reverse geocoding requests in serie or in parallel against a set of providers.
Thanks to Geocoder and React libraries.

It's possible to batch one request (a string) or a set of request (an array) against one provider or set of providers.

You can use a provided cache engine or use your own by setting a cache object which should implement League\Geotools\Cache\CacheInterface and extend League\Geotools\Cache\AbstractCache if needed.

At the moment Geotools supports:

  • Redis, packagist and github
    • Redis(array $client = [], $expire = 0)
    • $client should be an array with host, port and database keys
    • $expire should be an integer, no expire value by default
    • flush() method deletes all the keys of the currently selected database which is 0 by default
  • Memcached,
    • Memcached($server = self::DEFAULT_SERVER, $port = self::DEFAULT_PORT, $expire = 0)
    • $server can be address like or an IP, localhost is the default one
    • $port can be an integer like 11211 (by default)
    • $expire should be an integer, no expire value by default
    • flush() method invalidates all items in the cache
  • MongoDB, driver and
    • MongoDB($server = null, $database = self::DATABASE, $collection = self::COLLECTION)
    • $server can be a string like mongodb://
    • $database can be a string like geotools (by default)
    • $collection can be a string like geotools_cache (by default)
    • flush() method drops the current collection

NB: Before you implement caching in your app please be sure that doing so does not violate the Terms of Service for your(s) geocoding provider(s).


$geocoder = new \Geocoder\ProviderAggregator(); // or \Geocoder\TimedGeocoder
$adapter  = new \Ivory\HttpAdapter\CurlHttpAdapter();

    new \Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMapsProvider($adapter),
    new \Geocoder\Provider\OpenStreetMapProvider($adapter),
    new \Geocoder\Provider\BingMapsProvider($adapter, '<FAKE_API_KEY>'), // throws InvalidCredentialsException
    new \Geocoder\Provider\YandexProvider($adapter),
    new \Geocoder\Provider\FreeGeoIpProvider($adapter),
    new \Geocoder\Provider\GeoipProvider(),

try {
    $geotools = new \League\Geotools\Geotools();
    $cache    = new \League\Geotools\Cache\MongoDB();
    // or
    $cache    = new \League\Geotools\Cache\Redis([
        'host'     => '',
        'port'     => 6379,
        'database' => 15 // the last database ID
    $results  = $geotools->batch($geocoder)->setCache($cache)->geocode([
        'Paris, France',
        'Copenhagen, Denmark',
} catch (\Exception $e) {

$dumper = new \Geocoder\Dumper\WktDumper();
foreach ($results as $result) {
    // if a provider throws an exception (UnsupportedException, InvalidCredentialsException ...)
    // an custom /Geocoder/Result/Geocoded instance is returned which embedded the name of the provider,
    // the query string and the exception string. It's possible to use dumpers
    // and/or formatters from the Geocoder library.
        '' == $result->getExceptionMessage() ? $dumper->dump($result) : $result->getExceptionMessage()

You should get 24 results (4 values to geocode against 6 providers) something like:

google_maps|Paris, France|POINT(2.352222 48.856614)
google_maps|Copenhagen, Denmark|POINT(12.568337 55.676097)
google_maps||The GoogleMapsProvider does not support IP addresses.
google_maps|::ffff:|The GoogleMapsProvider does not support IP addresses.
openstreetmaps|Paris, France|POINT(2.352133 48.856506)
openstreetmaps|Copenhagen, Denmark|POINT(12.570072 55.686724)
openstreetmaps||Could not execute query
openstreetmaps|::ffff:|The OpenStreetMapProvider does not support IPv6 addresses.
bing_maps|Paris, France|Could not execute query<FAKE_API_KEY>
bing_maps|Copenhagen, Denmark|Could not execute query<FAKE_API_KEY>
bing_maps||The BingMapsProvider does not support IP addresses.
bing_maps|::ffff:|The BingMapsProvider does not support IP addresses.
yandex|Paris, France|POINT(2.341198 48.856929)
yandex|Copenhagen, Denmark|POINT(12.567602 55.675682)
yandex||The YandexProvider does not support IP addresses.
yandex|::ffff:|The YandexProvider does not support IP addresses.
free_geo_ip|Paris, France|The FreeGeoIpProvider does not support Street addresses.
free_geo_ip|Copenhagen, Denmark|The FreeGeoIpProvider does not support Street addresses.
free_geo_ip||POINT(-122.415600 37.748400)
free_geo_ip|::ffff:|POINT(-111.613300 40.218100)
geoip|Paris, France|The GeoipProvider does not support Street addresses.
geoip|Copenhagen, Denmark|The GeoipProvider does not support Street addresses.
geoip||POINT(-122.415604 37.748402)
geoip|::ffff:|The GeoipProvider does not support IPv6 addresses.

Batch reverse geocoding is something like:


// ... $geocoder like the previous example ...
// If you want to reverse one coordinate
try {
    $results = $geotools->batch($geocoder)->reverse(
        new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([2.307266, 48.823405])
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Or if you want to reverse geocoding 3 coordinates
$coordinates = [
    new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([2.307266, 48.823405]),
    new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([12.568337, 55.676097]),
    new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate('-74.005973 40.714353')),
$results = $geotools->batch($geocoder)->reverse($coordinates)->parallel();
// ...

If you want to batch it in serie, replace the method parallel() by serie().

To optimize batch requests you need to register providers according to their capabilities and what you're looking for (geocode street addresses, geocode IPv4, geocode IPv6 or reverse geocoding), please read more at the Geocoder library doc.


It provides methods to compute the distance in meter (by default), km, mi or ft between two coordinates using flat (most performant), great circle, haversine or vincenty (most accurate) algorithms.

Those coordinates should be in the same ellipsoid.


$geotools = new \League\Geotools\Geotools();
$coordA   = new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([48.8234055, 2.3072664]);
$coordB   = new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([43.296482, 5.36978]);
$distance = $geotools->distance()->setFrom($coordA)->setTo($coordB);

printf("%s\n",$distance->flat()); // 659166.50038742 (meters)
printf("%s\n",$distance->greatCircle()); // 659021.90812846
printf("%s\n",$distance->in('km')->haversine()); // 659.02190812846
printf("%s\n",$distance->in('mi')->vincenty()); // 409.05330679648
printf("%s\n",$distance->in('ft')->flat()); // 2162619.7519272


It provides methods to compute the initial and final bearing in degrees, the initial and final cardinal direction, the middle point and the destination point. The middle and the destination points returns a \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate object with the same ellipsoid.


$geotools = new \League\Geotools\Geotools();
$coordA   = new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([48.8234055, 2.3072664]);
$coordB   = new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([43.296482, 5.36978]);
$vertex    =  $geotools->vertex()->setFrom($coordA)->setTo($coordB);

printf("%d\n", $vertex->initialBearing()); // 157 (degrees)
printf("%s\n", $vertex->initialCardinal()); // SSE (SouthSouthEast)
printf("%d\n", $vertex->finalBearing()); // 160 (degrees)
printf("%s\n", $vertex->finalCardinal()); // SSE (SouthSouthEast)

$middlePoint = $vertex->middle(); // \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate
printf("%s\n", $middlePoint->getLatitude()); // 46.070143125815
printf("%s\n", $middlePoint->getLongitude()); // 3.9152401085931

$destinationPoint = $geotools->vertex()->setFrom($coordA)->destination(180, 200000); // \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate
printf("%s\n", $destinationPoint->getLatitude()); // 47.026774650075
printf("%s\n", $destinationPoint->getLongitude()); // 2.3072664


It provides methods to get the geo hash and its bounding box's coordinates (SouthWest & NorthEast) of a coordinate and the coordinate and its bounding box's coordinates (SouthWest & NorthEast) of a geo hash.


$geotools       = new \League\Geotools\Geotools();
$coordToGeohash = new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate('43.296482, 5.36978');

// encoding
$encoded = $geotools->geohash()->encode($coordToGeohash, 4); // 12 is the default length / precision
// encoded
printf("%s\n", $encoded->getGeohash()); // spey
// encoded bounding box
$boundingBox = $encoded->getBoundingBox(); // array of \League\Geotools\Coordinate\CoordinateInterface
$southWest   = $boundingBox[0];
$northEast   = $boundingBox[1];
    $southWest->getLongitude(), $southWest->getLatitude(),
    $northEast->getLongitude(), $northEast->getLatitude()
); //

// decoding
$decoded = $geotools->geohash()->decode('spey61y');
// decoded coordinate
printf("%s\n", $decoded->getCoordinate()->getLatitude()); // 43.296432495117
printf("%s\n", $decoded->getCoordinate()->getLongitude()); // 5.3702545166016
// decoded bounding box
$boundingBox = $decoded->getBoundingBox(); //array of \League\Geotools\Coordinate\CoordinateInterface
$southWest   = $boundingBox[0];
$northEast   = $boundingBox[1];
    $southWest->getLongitude(), $southWest->getLatitude(),
    $northEast->getLongitude(), $northEast->getLatitude()
); //


Represent a location with 10m accuracy using a 10 character code that includes features to prevent errors in entering the code. Read more about the algorithm here.


$tenten = new \League\Geotools\Tests\Geohash\TenTen;
$tenten->encode(new Coordinate([51.09559, 1.12207])); // MEQ N6G 7NY5


Represents a segment with a direction. You can find if two vertexes are on the same line.




It helps you to know if a point (coordinate) is in a Polygon or on the Polygon's boundaries and if this in on a Polygon's vertex.

First you need to create the polygon, you can provide:

  • an array of arrays
  • an array of Coordinate
  • a CoordinateCollection

$polygon = new \League\Geotools\Polygon([
    [48.9675969, 1.7440796],
    [48.4711003, 2.5268555],
    [48.9279131, 3.1448364],
    [49.3895245, 2.6119995],

$polygon->setPrecision(5); // set the comparision precision
$polygon->pointInPolygon(new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([49.1785607, 2.4444580])); // true
$polygon->pointInPolygon(new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([49.1785607, 5])); // false
$polygon->pointOnBoundary(new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([48.7193486, 2.13546755])); // true
$polygon->pointOnBoundary(new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([47.1587188, 2.87841795])); // false
$polygon->pointOnVertex(new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([48.4711003, 2.5268555])); // true
$polygon->pointOnVertex(new \League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([49.1785607, 2.4444580])); // false
$polygon->getBoundingBox(); // return the BoundingBox object


It provides command lines to compute methods provided by Distance, Point, Geohash and Convert classes. Thanks to the Symfony Console Component.

$ php geotools list // list of available commands
$ php geotools help distance:flat // get the help
$ php geotools distance:flat "40° 26.7717, -79° 56.93172" "30°16′57″N 029°48′32″W" // 4690203.1048522
$ php geotools distance:haversine "35,45" "45,35" --ft  // 4593030.9787593
$ php geotools distance:vincenty "35,45" "45,35" --km  // 1398.4080717661
$ php geotools d:v "35,45" "45,35" --km --ellipsoid=WGS60 // 1398.4145201642
$ php geotools point:initial-cardinal "40:26:46.302N 079:56:55.903W" "43.296482, 5.36978" // NE (NordEast)
$ php geotools point:final-cardinal "40:26:46.302N 079:56:55.903W" "43.296482, 5.36978" // ESE (EastSouthEast)
$ php geotools point:destination "40° 26.7717, -79° 56.93172" 25 10000 // 40.527599285543, -79.898914904538
$ php geotools p:d "40° 26.7717, -79° 56.93172" 25 10000 --ellipsoid=GRS_1980 // 40.527599272782, -79.898914912379
$ php geotools geohash:encode "40° 26.7717, -79° 56.93172" --length=3 // dpp
$ php geotools convert:dm "40.446195, -79.948862" --format="%P%D°%N %p%d°%n" // 40°26.7717 -79°56.93172
$ php geotools convert:dms "40.446195, -79.948862" --format="%P%D:%M:%S, %p%d:%m:%s" // 40:26:46, -79:56:56
$ php geotools convert:utm "60.3912628, 5.3220544" // 32V 297351 6700644
$ php geotools c:u "60.3912628, 5.3220544" --ellipsoid=AIRY // 32V 297371 6700131

Compute street addresses, IPv4s or IPv6s geocoding and reverse geocoding right in your console.

It's possible to define and precise your request through these options:

  • --adapter: socket, buzz, zend, guzzle or curl by default.
  • --provider: bing_maps, yahoo, maxmind... google_maps is the default one. See the full list here.
  • --cache: mongodb, memcached or redis as a fallback.
  • --raw: the result output in RAW format, shows Adapter, Provider and Arguments if any.
  • --json: the result output in JSON string format.
  • --args: this option accepts multiple values (e.g. --args="API_KEY" --args="LOCALE") if your provider needs or can have arguments.
  • --dumper: this option is available for geocoding, gpx, geojson, kml, wkb and wkt by default. Read more here.
  • --format: this option is available for reverse geocoding, see the mapping here.
$ php geotools help geocoder:geocode // get the help
$ php geotools geocoder:geocode "Copenhagen, Denmark" // 55.6760968, 12.5683371
$ php geotools geocoder:geocode "" --provider="free_geo_ip" --adapter="socket" // 37.7484, -122.4156
$ php geotools geocoder:geocode Paris --args="fr_FR" --args="France" --args="true" // 48.856614, 2.3522219
$ php geotools geocoder:geocode Paris --dumper=wkt // POINT(2.352222 48.856614)
$ php geotools geocoder:reverse "48.8631507, 2.388911" // Avenue Gambetta 10, 75020 Paris
$ php geotools geocoder:reverse "48.8631507, 2.388911" --format="%L, %R, %C" // Paris, Île-De-France, France
$ php geotools geocoder:reverse "48.8631507, 2.388911" --format="%L, %R, %C" --provider="openstreetmaps"
// Paris, Île-De-France, France Métropolitaine
$ php geotools geocoder:geocode "Tagensvej 47, Copenhagen" --raw --args=da_DK --args=Denmark --adapter=socket --cache=redis

The last command will show an output like this:

Adapter:       \Ivory\HttpAdapter\SocketHttpAdapter
Provider:      \Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps
Cache:         \League\Geotools\Cache\Redis
Arguments:     da_DK,Denmark
Latitude:      55.699953
Longitude:     12.552736
 - South: 55.699953
 - West:  12.552736
 - North: 55.699953
 - East:  12.552736
Street Number: 47
Street Name:   Tagensvej
Zipcode:       2200
City:          Copenhagen
City District: København N
County:        København
County Code:   KØBENHAVN
Region:        Capital Region Of Denmark
Country:       Denmark
Country Code:  DK

Integration with Frameworks

Unit Tests

To run unit tests, you'll need the cURL extension and a set of dependencies, you can install them using Composer:

$ php composer.phar install --dev

Once installed, just launch the following command:

$ phpunit --coverage-text




See the changelog file


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub

Contributor Code of Conduct

As contributors and maintainers of this project, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.

We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, age, or religion.

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include the use of sexual language or imagery, derogatory comments or personal attacks, trolling, public or private harassment, insults, or other unprofessional conduct.

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct. Project maintainers who do not follow the Code of Conduct may be removed from the project team.

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by opening an issue or contacting one or more of the project maintainers.

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.0.0, available at


Geotools is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.

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Geo-related tools PHP 5.4+ library built atop Geocoder and React libraries







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