Java collections and lists for C
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
- Iterator
- Collection
- HashMap
- HashSet (TO-DO)
What is ArrayList?
ArrayList is a dynamic array and we do not have to specify the size while creating it, the size of the array automatically increases when we dynamically add and remove items.
- include ArrayList header file
#include "array_list.h"
- Create ArrayList struct :
struct ArrayList *list = array_list_create(); // or array_list_create2(capacity);
- Add items to the list :
array_list_add(list, "Hello");
array_list_add(list, "World");
Result :
- Hello
- World
- Insert item :
array_list_insert(list, "First", 0);
Result :
- First
- Hello
- World
- InsertAll (Or AddAll) :
char *list2[] = {"Hi", "Hii", "Hiii"};
array_list_insertAll(list, collection_create((void **) list2, 3), 1);
Result :
- First
- Hi
- Hii
- Hiii
- Hello
- World
- Remove item (Or removeRange/ removeData) :
array_list_remove(list, index);
What is LinkedList?
A linked list is a linear data structure, in which the elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations. The elements in a linked list are linked using pointers
- include LinkedList header file
#include "linked_list.h"
- Create the Head element :
struct LinkedListNode *list = linked_list_new("Hello");
- Append
linked_list_append(linked_list_new("Test"), list);
Result: Hello -> Test
- Push
linked_list_push(linked_list_new("1", linked_list_new("2")), list);
Result: 1 -> 2 -> Hello -> Test
- Pop
Result: 2 -> Hello -> Test
- Insert
linked_list_insertAt(linked_list_new("A"), list, 1);
Result: 2 -> A -> Hello -> Test
- Insert with Finder function
// -1 = insert before target
// +1 = insert after target
// +2 = insert after the next position of target, ...
int finder(struct LinkedListNode* node, int index, const void *target) {
return strcmp(target, node->data) == 0 ? 2 : 0;
linked_list_insert(linked_list_new("B"), list, "A", finder);
Result: 2 -> A -> Hello -> B -> Test
- Remove
linked_list_removeAt(list, 2);
Result: 2 -> A -> B -> Test
- Connect
linked_list_connect_before(&list, linked_list_new("NEW", linked_list_new("HI")), linked_list_new("TEST"));
Result: TEST -> NEW -> HI -> 2 -> A -> B -> Test
- Check out other functions such as
, ...
What is Iterator?
Iterator can be used to loop through collections
#include "iterator.h"
struct Iterator *iter = collection_iterator(collection);
// struct Iterator *iter = array_list_iterator(arrayList);
// struct Iterator *iter = linked_list_iterator(linkedList);
while (iterator_has_next(iter)) {
printf("%s -> ", (char *) iterator_next(iter));
// iterator_remove(iter) if needed to remove the element from the collection
#include "collection.h"
struct Collection coll = collection_create(array, size);
// struct Collection coll = array_list_collection(arrayList);
// struct Collection coll = linked_list_collection(linkedList);
collection_sort(coll, comparator);
collection_rotate(coll, 1);
void * value = collection_binarySearch(coll, key, comparator);
void * value = collection_max(coll, comparator);
void * value = collection_min(coll, comparator);
collection_fill(coll, value);
What is HashMap?
HashMap stores the data in (Key, Value) pairs...
- include HashMap header file
#include "hash_map.h"
- Create HashMap struct :
struct HashMap *map = hash_map_create(); // or hash_map_create2(capacity);
- Put key-values :
hash_map_string_put(map, "Key1", "Item1");
hash_map_int_put(map, 2, "Item2");
hash_map_put(map, key, value);
- Get value by key :
printf("%s\n", (char *) hash_map_string_get(map, "Key1"));
printf("%s\n", (char *) hash_map_int_get(map, 2));
- Remove value by key
hash_map_int_remove(map, 2);
- Checkout other functions such as
, ...
, hash_map_keyIterator
and hash_map_valueIterator
struct Iterator *iter = hash_map_entryIterator(map);
while (iterator_has_next(iter)) {
struct HashMapEntry *entry = iterator_next(iter);
printf("Key: %s, Value: %s\n", (char *) entry->key, (char *) entry->value);