Welcome to the repository for my portfolio website. This website serves as a showcase of my skills, projects, and experience. It provides an overview of my professional background and serves as a platform to present my work to potential employers, clients, or collaborators.
To access the portfolio website, please visit https://ahmed-ashraf-marzouk.github.io/portfolio-website/. The website is hosted on GitHub Pages, allowing you to easily navigate through the various sections and explore my portfolio.
The portfolio website is built using the following technologies:
- HTML5: Provides the structure and layout of the webpages.
- CSS3: Used for styling and design elements of the website.
- JavaScript: Adds interactivity and enhances the user experience.
- GitHub Pages: Enables hosting the website directly from the GitHub repository.
The portfolio website consists of the following sections:
- Home: Introduces myself and provides a brief overview of my skills and expertise.
- About: Provides more detailed information about my background, education, and work experience.
- Projects: Showcases a selection of my notable projects, including descriptions and links to their repositories or live demos.
- Skills: Highlights the technical skills and competencies I possess.
- Resume: Presents a downloadable version of my resume for more detailed information.
- Contact: Provides a contact form and relevant information for anyone interested in reaching out to me.
This repository is dedicated to my personal portfolio website. Therefore, contributions are not expected or accepted. However, feedback and suggestions are always welcome and can be shared through the contact form on the website.
The content and code in this repository are protected under the MIT License. You are free to view and explore the code, but please respect the licensing terms if you intend to use or modify any parts of it.
If you have any questions or inquiries regarding my portfolio website or any of the projects showcased, please feel free to reach out to me through the contact form on the website or via email at a.a.elghawas@gmail.com.
Thank you for visiting my portfolio website repository!