A new Flutter project.
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
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For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
- First part build CNN Model and preprocessing in the image.
- Second part build simple mobile app.
- 3th part connect Mobile App with Deep Learning Model.
In the first part work on the model and deal with preprocessing of image a bout using four function to handle all the problem in the image and can read it with easy way the first function to transform image to matrix and deal with all image RGB and Gray the second function deal with real all image from files with the path and extention of the image the 3th function is to transform all the image to matrix and called the first function that transform one image and the 4th function use to call all three function in one block to load all images.
In the secound part work on build simple mobile app that contain two screen the first screen called splash screen make animation still 5 secound and then transform to the second screen that contain two image and two bottom the first bottom to upload image from galary then show it in the position of old image and the second bottom to send image to model and return the value of label of image and show it in Mobile App.
In the 3th part work on connect Mobile App with CNN Model using Flask API we build API with flask to make request from model and return the value of label and show it in mobile app we make it about make the labtop is server and passing IP of labtop to Mobile App and can any device in the same network to use the API.
you will learn how to make preprocessing in the image to be ready as input of model how to create CNN Model and train, validation and test the dataset and how to save best weights and load it this learn in part of model in the part of mobile app will learn build splach screen to see in 5 second and learn how to upload image from the gallery and the last impart how to connect Mobile App with Model using Flask API.