This repo about node.js practice to enhance my skills as backend developer and it has multi branch for study purpose master branch is about serve simple html file with express then this branches (Pug-Template-Engine, Handlebars-Template-Engine, EJS-Template-Engine) simple application and how to use template engine in express then without database and learn about build-in feature in express like fs, stream...etc.
This branch (EJS-Template-Engine)selected for complete my practice and use database such as MySQL and using ORM "sequlize" to interact with it, and the project was 'Online Store'.
This branch (EJS-Template-Engine-by-mongo-db) used for change database and using mongodb and using ODM "mongoose" to interact with it and this branch improve my skills and adding session & cookies and authentication and how to protect routes then adding mailing service (MailGride) and enhance authentication by link it with mailing service and adding valiation on client-side and server-side and improve error handling then adding file uploading to product using (multer) then adding pagination in client-side and server-side then adding payment by using Stripe api and in the end using pdfkit to genrate invoices, the project was 'Online Store'.
This branch (REST-API) used for RESTFUL-API to learn about APIs and the core principals of it and CORS errors and HTTP verbs and status code and planning API for the blog project then how adding authentication using(bcrypt) and validation using(express-validator) and how to use JWT to protect route and restrict user permissions and how to use websocket protocol in application to make it real-time application by using library.
This branch (graphql) used for learn about differences between RESFUl-API and Graph-Ql and how to use Graph-Ql with express.js.