The Food Recipe API is a RESTful API developed using Test-Driven Development (TDD) principles. It provides a platform for users to manage recipes, ingredients, and tags, enhancing their culinary experience by facilitating easy access to a vast array of recipes.
User Authentication:
- Register: Users can register by providing necessary details.
- Login: Registered users can securely log in to their accounts.
- Logout: Allows users to safely end their current session.
Recipe Management:
- Create: Users can create new recipes by providing relevant details such as title, description, cooking instructions, etc.
- Retrieve: Fetch details of existing recipes, including ingredients and tags.
- Update: Modify existing recipes to reflect changes or improvements.
- Delete: Remove recipes that are no longer needed.
Ingredient Section:
- Add Ingredients: Users can add ingredients to their recipes, specifying quantities and units.
- View Ingredients: Access a list of available ingredients and their details.
Tagging System:
- Tag Recipes: Allows users to tag recipes with relevant keywords for easy categorization and search.
- Filter by Tags: Users can filter recipes based on associated tags, simplifying recipe discovery.
Technology Stack:
- Python: Utilized as the primary programming language for backend development.
- Django: A high-level Python web framework employed for rapid API development.
- Django REST Framework: A powerful toolkit for building Web APIs with Django, facilitating serialization, authentication, and more.
- PostgreSQL: A robust open-source relational database management system utilized for data storage.
- Docker: Employed for containerization, providing a consistent environment across different deployment environments.
- Test-Driven Development (TDD): A development approach used to ensure code quality and reliability through comprehensive testing.
- CI/CD: This helps in allowing continues integration and countinous deployment
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
- move into the directory
cd food-recipy-api
. - make sure you have docker installed run this command to build dockerfile
docker-compose build
. - To start the server in local computer
docker-compose up
command docker-compose up
command docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "flake8"
command docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "python test"
command docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "python wait_for_db"
command docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "django-admin startproject app ."
command docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "python startapp core
command docker volume ls
command docker volume rm name-of-volume