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Table of Contents

Basics & software setup
Instructions to run nTuplizers
General information
How to get the latest HLT configuration
Where to find the Run 3 reconstruction customization functions

Basics & software setup

# setting up the latest release
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc900
cmsrel CMSSW_12_2_0_pre2
cd CMSSW_12_2_0_pre2/src

export CMSSW_GIT_REFERENCE=/cvmfs/
git cms-init

git cms-addpkg HLTrigger/Configuration

#Run3TRK, see
git cms-remote add mmasciov
git fetch mmasciov
git cherry-pick 91909330a10724646b4aed0596d62fc30a56a024
git cherry-pick b9f05b0bd850fd0e24d9024e8582c7b4cb418389

# clone our version of JMET tools
git clone -o SWuchterl -b run3

# make folder for external data (PFHadron calibrations and JEC)
mkdir -p ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/JMETriggerAnalysis/NTuplizers/data

# PFHC: preliminary HLT-PFHC for Run-3
cp /afs/ ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/JMETriggerAnalysis/NTuplizers/data/PFHC_Run3Winter20_HLT_v01.db

# JESC: preliminary HLT-JESCs for Run-3 (PF/PUPPI/CALO)
cp /afs/ ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/JMETriggerAnalysis/NTuplizers/data/JESC_Run3Winter20_V2_MC.db

# clone this repository
git clone -b Run3_ForJIRA --recursive RecoBTag/PerformanceMeasurements

scram b -j12

Instructions to run nTuplizers

Offline (BTagAnalyzer)

The Offline ntuplizer can be run and configured through RecoBTag/PerformanceMeasurements/test/, to run it with the latest defaults

cmsRun defaults=Run3 runOnData=(True or False, depending on your needs) maxEvents=10

Online (HLTBTagAnalyzer)

The Offline ntuplizer can be run and configured through RecoBTag/PerformanceMeasurements/test/, to run it with the latest defaults

cmsRun defaults=Run3 runOnData=(True or False, depending on your needs) maxEvents=10

General information

The content of the output nTuple is by default empty and has to be configured according to your needs. The store*Variables options have been removed. The new variable configuration can be customized in the file RecoBTag/PerformanceMeasurements/python/ New variables need also to be added (apart from adding them in the code) in RecoBTag/PerformanceMeasurements/python/

How to get the latest HLT configuration (GRun / on lxplus only)

Recent versions are also stored already in here For MC:

hltGetConfiguration /dev/CMSSW_12_2_0/GRun \
--full \
--offline \
--unprescale \
--mc \
--process HLT2 \
--globaltag auto:phase1_2021_realistic \
--max-events 10 \
edmConfigDump >

For data:

hltGetConfiguration /dev/CMSSW_12_2_0/GRun \
--full \
--offline \
--unprescale \
--data \
--process HLT2 \
--globaltag auto:run3_hlt \
--max-events 10 \
--customise HLTrigger/Configuration/customizeHLTforCMSSW.customiseFor2018Input \
edmConfigDump >

For data+timing:

hltGetConfiguration /dev/CMSSW_12_2_0/GRun \
--full \
--offline \
--unprescale \
--data \
--process HLT2 \
--globaltag auto:run3_hlt \
--max-events 10 \
--customise HLTrigger/Configuration/customizeHLTforCMSSW.customiseFor2018Input \
--timing \
edmConfigDump >

Where to find the Run 3 reconstruction customization functions

  • Run3TRK: For the tracking POG single iteration tracking seeded by Patatrack pixeltracks (Triplets+Quadruplets): here An example on how to apply it on top of the GRun menu is here and here

  • DeepJet: For the application of DeepJet to all pF btagging paths: here An example on how to apply it on top of the GRun menu is here

  • noCalo+ROI: For the ROI TRK+PF approach and removal of calo btagging: here An example on how to apply it on top of the GRun menu is here

  • noCalo+global: For the central/global TRK+PF and removal of calo btagging: here An example on how to apply it on top of the GRun menu is here

  • newROICalo+ROI: For the ROI TRK+PF approach and addition of new ROI calo btagging: here An example on how to apply it on top of the GRun menu is here

  • newROICalo+global: For the central/global TRK+PF and addition of new ROI calo btagging: here An example on how to apply it on top of the GRun menu is here

  • newGlobalCalo+global: For the central/global TRK+PF and addition of new central/global TRK calo btagging: here An example on how to apply it on top of the GRun menu is here


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  • Python 99.5%
  • Other 0.5%