This project is inspired by the world-famous eponymous "Wolfenstein 3D" (1992) video game, which was the first FPS ever. It will enable you to explore ray-casting. Your goal will be to make a dynamic view inside a maze, in which you'll have to find your way
git clone
./cub3D map.cub
move forward
move back
move left
move right
- rotate left
- rotate right
mouse rotation
Config file called `map.cub`
R resolution
C ceiling rgb color
F floor rgb color
NO SO WE EA paths to textures
S path to sprite
empty lines
valid map is surrounded by walls (1) and can contain these characters
1 wall
0 player can move here
2 sprite/item
N S E W player position and view direction
space empty space (player can't see them)
map can't be splitted by empty lines
- Wall collisions.
- A minimap system.
- Doors which can open and close.
- Rotate the point of view with the mouse.
- animated sprite.