***Data source : [Rebrickable](***
The schema of database :
Dataset | Description | Columns |
colors.csv |
This file contains information on LEGO colors, including a unique ID for each color, its name, and approximate RGB value, and whether it's transparent | id Unique ID for this color. name The human-readable name of the color. rgb The approximate RGB color. is_trans Whether or not the given color is transparent/translucent. |
inventories.csv |
This table contains information on inventories, including a unique ID, it's version and the set number. | id Unique ID for this inventory entry. version Version number. set_num Set number (form sets.csv ). |
inventory_parts.csv |
This table contains information part inventories, including a unique ID number, the part number, the color of the part, how many are included and whether it's a spare. | inventory_id Unique ID for the inventory this part is appearing in. This is the same as the id value in inventories.csv . part_num Unique ID for the part. color_id Unique ID for the color, as per colors.csv . quantity The number of copies of this part included in the set! is_spare Whether or not this is a spare part. Spare parts are additional parts not needed to finish the set. |
inventory_sets.csv |
This file contains information on what inventory is included in which sets, including the inventory ID, the set number and the quantity of that inventory that are included. | inventory_id Unique inventory ID from inventories.csv . set_num Unique set ID from sets.csv . quantity The quantity of the inventory included. |
part_categories.csv |
This dataset includes information on the part category (what type of part it is) and a unique ID for that part category. | id Unique ID for the part category. name The category of stuff the part is in. |
part_relationships.csv |
This dataset includes information on the different relationships of parts. | rel_type Relationship type of the part. child_part_num Child part category ID. parent_part_num Parent category unique ID |
parts.csv |
This dataset includes information on lego parts, including a unique ID number, the name of the part, and what part category it's from. | part_num Unique ID for the part. name Name of the part. part_cat_id Part category unique ID (from part_categories.csv ). |
sets.csv |
This file contains information on LEGO sets, including a unique ID number, the name of the set, the year it was released, its theme and how many parts it includes. | set_num Unique set ID. name The name of the set. year Year the set was published. theme_id Unique ID for the theme used for the set (from themes.csv ). num_parts The number of parts included in the set. |
themes.csv |
This file includes information on lego themes. Each theme is given a unique ID number, a name, and (if it's part of a bigger theme) which theme it's part of. | id Theme unique ID. name Name of the theme. parent_id Unique ID for the larger theme, if there is one. |