So logging in via deployment link won't work, if you want to open and run this project, consider clone to your machine instead.
What is Identify? Identify can generate an ID card for you based on your listening habits on Spotify. The web app takes the five track features from each track from your top tracks on Spotify, which are Happiness, Danceability, Speechiness, Accousticness, and Energy. Webs like obscurify and receiptify inspired the creation of this website, so huge props and shoutouts to the creators of those websites!🙌🏼
The goal of the creation of this website is for the creators of this website to showcase the implementation of Spotify Web API's features such as authorization and API consumption. Some examples of API consumption include getting user's spotify data, user's top tracks and audio features, and user's top items. The data is provided by Spotify API through OAuth which was made possible by utilizing NextAuthJS. For the front-end, we use NextJS and for the server state handilng, we use TanStack Query (React Query).
We as developers don't keep any forms of user's personal data since those data are handled securely by Spotify API. The source code for this website is available for the public to see on the GitHub repository that we have provided.
Clone the project
Go to the project directory
cd identify
Install the project's dependencies
npm i
Specify the environment variables values in .env.sample and then run this command
cp .env.sample env
Spin up local development server
npm run dev
Client: Next.js, TailwindCSS, NextUI, framer-motion, next-themes, shadcn-ui, React-Query, NextAuth.js
Server: Spotify Web API