Ghostly is a GitHub notification client for Windows 10/11.
- A lot of notifications can be overwhelming sometimes. Organize your work by categorizing and filtering notifications just like you want to.
- Ghostly is built with offline use as a first class citizen. Synchronize your notifications when you're online and continue using Ghostly like normal when you're offline.
- Keeping track of notifications for issues, PRs, vulnerabilities or releases have never been easier. Ghostly have built in support for things such as rules for incoming notifications, categories, filters and a powerful query language.
- With a lot of notifications - even when categorized properly - it might sometimes be difficult to find that one thing that you're looking for. With the Ghostly query language, your notifications have never been easier to find.
- Whether you prefer a light or a dark theme, Ghostly got you covered. By default Ghostly respects your Windows theme, but you can easily override this in Ghostly's settings.
The recommended way of installing Ghostly is via the Microsoft Store.
Ghostly requires Windows 10, version 1809 to run.
> git submodule init
> git submodule update
> dotnet tool restore
Go to your GitHub account settings and create a new OAUTH application at
make sure to set the authorization callback URL
After clicking Register application
, make sure that you click the
button Generate a new client secret
After this is done, write down the Client ID and the generated Client secret. You're going to need them later to configure Ghostly.
From the root of the repository, run the following command. Don't forget to insert the client ID and client secret from the previous step
> dotnet cake bootstrap.cake --client-id "MY-CLIENT-ID" --client-secret "MY-SECRET"
Once run, there should be a file at ./src/Ghostly.GitHub/GitHubSecrets.Generated.cs
Note that the OAUTH client ID and client secret does not grant you any rights on behalf of the user who created it, so even though it's not the end of the world if someone would disassemble our application, this file has been added to the .gitignore and should not be checked in.
To build a full release for all available platforms, run the following from the command line:
> dotnet cake --full
Please note that this will take a while.
If everything went fine, there should artifacts available at