Note: This project is not meant to be inspiring or highly technical.
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate my skills.
This is one of the reasons I chose to take a simple (end-of-course final) project and implement improvements on it.
The original project: ZTM uni face detection app
Log in (you can use Demo) and start finding faces in photos!
What I've updated:
- auth (sign in, register): in the HTML I've added specificity utilizing the pattern option, adding tool-tips, autoComplete.
- routing: Using react-router-dom v6.
- TDD: Type-Script (originally built in plain Java-Script).
- Migrations: React v18 (originally built in v16), this project was utilizing old class-based React. I've rebuilt it using (only) functions.
- Structure: File structure was shallow.
- Checks: This app used to have a lot of assumptions that were bug pron (TS helped a lot), I've reworked a lot of the logic and fetch calls.
- Style: Improved responsiveness.
Things I'm working on adding to this project.
- Another API service.
- Save the photos in the Face-Detection app to a user history.