Encode and decode binary files into images
Every PNG pixel is represented by 4 channels: red, green, blue, and the alpha channel, which are represented by an 8-bits unsigned value.
The encode process, matches every binary byte, found in the binary file, into one of the core 3 channels (red, green and blue).
The decode process, does the opposite: match every channel's value into a binary byte.
Here is a list of the available functionalities.
Encodes a binary file (.WAV, .MOV, .JPEG, etc...) into an image, with the given width and height dimensions.
Outputs a new PNG image, filled with pixels that correlate to the given binary data.
$ image-binary encode --width [width] --height [height] [in] [out]
Decodes a PNG file into a binary file (.WAV, .MOV, .JPEG, etc...)
Outputs a new binary file. Its data correlates to the RGB values of the entered PNG file.
$ image-binary decode [in] [out]