This python script uses the VoiceRSS API to convert your messages into voice.
The voice is outputted using a Virtual Cable Audio so other applications can use it as input too
Get your own free VoiceRSS API key
Download VB Cable to output audio
Enable listen to this device in windows settings
Highly customizable voice using settings.json
Moderate response times
Can output in calls using the virtual cable audio microphone so others can hear it
Can play your own sound files using play command
Commands (prefix - $):
- $help - shows all commands and their description
- $settings - lists current settings from settings.json
- $play list - lists all playable files
- $play {file in special directory without .extension}
- $speed - Voice speed [-10 - 10]
- $language - Change language [english or hindi, more options manually in settings.json]
- $key - change the API Key
Make sure that you have downloaded VB cable and enabled listen to this device
Download from releases
Unzip it and run TextToSpeech.exe
Input the VoiceRSS API Key when asked for it
You can change the key or other settings in settings.json or inbuilt commands
Any messages you type will now be converted to voice and played
To output this voice to any application just select "Cable Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)" as the input device
pip install pygame
You can run this directly using python or you can convert it to an executable .exe file using pyinstaller as follows
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller -D -i "logo.ico"
the executable will be created in dist folder