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Table Of Contents

Rise edited this page May 14, 2021 · 4 revisions

Disable Table of Contents


Add disableToC=true to the section of [param] in your config.toml. Then you will not see it.

Apply for single page

Add disableToC: true in the front matter of the page. Then you will disable it in the very page.

ToC auto collapse

After 1.3.0, I've disabled this function by default.

To enable this (not recommended), please add enableAutoCollapse=true to the section of [param] in your site's config.toml.

NOTE: This function relies on jQuery, which goes with terrible performance.

For old users (version < 1.3.0), this function is enabled by default.

To disable, please add disableAutoCollapse=true to [param].

And this can be applied to single page as Apply for single page, too.